Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Ahhh, behold the beauty of the Grand Canyon. Joe & Tanner wanted us to see it. At this stop we had some pretty brave pups. First to jump off Aire Ruby was of course the crazy Dixie Bug!!! Crazy girl!!! Sophie was so worried, but all was well...of course Dixie is the super bug - hee hee hee!!! Some of the other puggies needed to check things out too...Emmitt, Winston and Clementine just loved it. Bob, being the great outdoorsdog wanted to catch the sites and he even found a dinosaur bone too - what luck! Oh and there is my sissy Sophia...I think she kinda has a bit of a crush on Bobbers. Who wouldn't!!!

Oh and don't forget to check out Asta's bloggy...she took some great pictures too - W00t!!!


9 Responses to " "

Petra said... 9:28 AM

What a sight!

I forgot the dramamine, and I was so glad that Asta had some to share because I was feeling a little queasy for awhile.

Emily and Ike said... 9:32 AM


Clover said... 9:48 AM

yaaay! This is so exciting! Happy anniversary to Aire Ruby!
Love Clover xo

Eduardo said... 10:02 AM

Happy Anniversary to Aire Ruby!!!!
Hugs & Snugs
Eduardo the Snuggle Puggle

Moco said... 10:11 AM

Of course this is great fun as all the flights have been. We feel so lucky to have been included. On to another year of great adventures.

Asta said... 1:21 PM

Those canyons kind of scawe me..I'm not used to such open spaces..I get claustwofoobick..I had to go back to the safety of the plane
smoochie kisses

Joe Stains said... 4:13 PM

I sure wish we could have left the Doofus in the bottom of that giant hole!

Anonymous said... 9:21 AM

hehehe - thanks, Ruby!! What a great picture. Winston and Clementine look *thrilled* to be hanging over the edge of the Grand Canyon, don't they??

Anonymous said... 9:21 AM
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