There was cupcake eating...


Jake & David
There were trains...

There was a movie...
Notice something there wasn't???

I have nothing more to bark...consider this my almost Wordless Wednesday!
Hi! My name is Ruby. I am a Boston Terrorist (oops, I mean Terrier) who loves to run, play in mud and eat snackies.
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7:14 AM | 26 Belly Rubs
Where is your cupcake?
That is not right.
Ruby, you can never be a "wasn't".
What in the world has happened to your mom? Did she forget it was just your Rubiversary, and she should be celebrating YOU?
I wouldn't lick her for a week if I were you.
OMG, you aren't serious?? How could they forget about you! Make them all feel really guilty, Ruby!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Ruby, That was totally mean of your mom to ignore you, did you get any time to play with the human pups? They are very handsome young men, I would love to have some of JJ's cupcake it looks yummy, did you get any?
All those kids and you didn't get a cupcake? I always thought kids + cupcakes = yummy snakcs for cute dogs nearby. Are yous ure those were real kids?
Ruby, if your mom couldn't pay attention to you on her days off, you'll just have to go to work with her. Next Friday is Take Your Dog To Work Day anyway! (
Rubyyyyyy...this is not fair. We will protest! My muzzer used to do that, and she thinks she remembers how. I am working on my sign
I don't know what gets into these hoomans sometimes. You could have had as much fun as those other pups. Besides you have an aireplane. Who needs those trains.
Oh Ruby! How tragic and unfair! We sure hope they make it up to you...
Ozzie & Rocky
Oh, Ruby!
I am almost wordless knowing what happened to you these days!
Sure it was not fun for you!
Let you mom know about your feelings!
Kisses and hugs
This is truly terrible. I mean AWFUL :( :( Perhaps you should consider making a stain??
Oh no.. You got nothing? That's so not fair
~ Girl girl
Woah, those cupcakes got me drooling! I can't believe you got nuthing!
Butt wiggles,
Solid Gold Dancer
What no cupcake?! I feel your pain.
Simba x
Oh Ruby! I am sorry they had all that fun (and cupcake eating) without you. I hope your mom has made it up to you by now.
Love Clover xo
P.S. Did your extremely late barkday gift get to you yet? I think mom sent it about a month ago. (Yes, cause we sent it a month late!)
You poor neglected princess. Might as well have packed your bags and gone on vacation while those people pups were there. What was your mom thinking?
Not even a nibble of cupcake? That's just not right Ruby!
No pupcake??? Are you serious?! She definitely owes you something yummy!
This is outwageous! I bet if you want Stanley wand Mack will come ovew and stwaighten youw hoomans out..maybe they thought you wewe aweady a cutie cupcake , so you didn't need one
smoochie kisses
Oh no, you got nothing? How much more inconsiderate can your humans get?! I hope they'll make it up to you soon... They should make you your very own cupcake...
Yooohooo! We're a little worried, has your Goodie Exchange package arrived yet??
Phhhhhhhbt! Who'd want to go to Disneyland if Ruby isn't there?
wally w00ter. haha!
Did they not even bring you back a cupcake?? :(
Ruby, I really think you need to come live with me. My peeps NEVER go on vacation!!
Woof you,
Looks like you/your mom had a great time. Those cupcakes look scrumptious...even from this far away.
That is so unfair. But we are glad that all is forgiven and forgotten.
Boy n Baby