I got my goodie exchange package the other day. Mom's been a little lazy helping me post about it...my apologies. I just don't know what I'm going to do with her!! Anyhowl...OMD what a bundle of Brat Pack goodness was included. Everything the Brats sent was pawsome...the only thing that would have been better is if they could have managed to fit all 5 brats in the box!!! W00t!

Just look at that haul...3 different types of snackies, a cool piggy that squeals, a dogarita and lime, a wormy stuffy and some junk for my Mom. Ruby's Mom: Hey, what are you talking about junk? There were great doggie towels and a BT luggage tag. You're just jealous it wasn't all for you. Ruby: Whatever woman!

Stuffy Carnitas - W00t!!!

Resting with my new wormy friend
Thanks so much Brats and to your Mom! We love everything...it was just the most pawfect goodie package a girl could get - W00t! And thanks Mr T-Bone Beasley & Chef for the bestest idea ever!
Hi Ruby
Isn't the goody exchange the greatest. Like Santa Paws in June.
Those brats are so nice. That is some good stuff.
Hi Cute Ruby. You really are too adorable for barks! I'm real glad you got your goodies. They look totally amazing and I sure hope you have zillions of fun with them.
Stop by my blog sometime.
Hi, Ruby!
You and your mom got very nice presents from the Brat Pack!
Glad you are enjoying them!
Kisses and hugs
Great package. This goody exchange has been so much fun.
That a really pawsome parcel of gifts.
~ Girl girl
We know how to make it all yours. Make sure that your mom use that towel to dry you when you have baths and the luggage tag, tag it to your carrier.. see its all your then..haha
Boy n Baby
That is an awesome package you have received.
Wow that was a lot of stuff.
Simba x
Great gifts from the Brat Pack, Ruby! Those cookies sure do look yummy!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
I can see why you needed a nap after working your way through that box of goodies!
The Brat Pack rocks! I love your Dogarita!!
Beautiful Ruby:
You got some fantastic goodies from the Brats!
Hope you are staying cool!
Woof ya,
Wow! That's a lot of cool stuff! Those cookies look very yummy!!
Hi Ruby!
Thanks SO MUCH for nominating my blog for an award! That is so sweet and thoughtful of you - and I feel very honoured! :)
I am so happy about that - I will try to have mom help me blog about it tonight or tomorrow! :)
Love Clover xo
Do you take care of your stuffies or do you dismantle them?
PS: I live that BxW snoozine pic of you on Sunday's post. You are lovely!
Oh Ruby...I didn't know you practice doga too!! That first pic of you in the Dislocated Hips Position was fab...bet Stan and Mack liked that pic too...grin!!!!
Your package was fab, girl..we have to admit the goody exchange ranks right up there like Santa Paws...amazing!!!!!
Oh Ruby... those are some pawsome pressies you got there. Those fancy cookies look very delish!
Oh Ruby... those are some pawsome pressies you got there. Those fancy cookies look very delish!
Hey Ruby~
Them there cookies look soooo...slobbering good......you are one lucky BT.
OHMYDOG OHMYDOG OHMYDOG!!!!! Your "cool piggy" is my deceased friend!!!!! It's Mr. Hog E. Hoggerton who died just over a year ago on our living room floor!!!!! Has he been reincarnated?!?! I hope after he dies at your house he'll reincarnate back to my house because HE WAS MY FAVORITE!!!!!
Oh man, is it yappy hour yet? That dogarita with lime looks dee-licious!
xoxo - BElla
That box of cookies looks totally yummers. Did you eat them all at once?
Oink, oink,
It looks exhausting to get so many goodies, hehehehave a gweat time with youw new stuff!!1
I bowwowed that hat fwom Audwey Hepbuwn..she said I could
smoochie kisses
Wow Ruby! What a pawsome gift!! How exciting! Look at all those COOKIES!!!!
Enjoy your treats!!
Oh Wooby,
what a great package & very tiring too.
Love 'n' slobber
Good evening ruby.
Happiness : with the present about many.
Do and with the cookie of the weekend of , ..put together... :)
from loved ume tyan
Hee hee look at your back legs in that second last photo...cute!!
Hugs and tail wags
Noah xx
Mom has one of those boston terrier luggage tags too! she loves it. I agree, its like, what is the point??
What a great haul you got there, Ruby! Those cookies look PAWSOME! J x
Ruby Bug!
Those Brats were so good to you! I'm licking my goober lips here in anticipation of all the fun you're going to have.
But, that photo of you sleeping with your wormie friend is by far the best part of this post.
Goober love & smooches,