I've never blogged before, but this looks like it could be fun. I think I might need to keep this short...you see even though Ruby said I could blog, if she found me using her 'puter I think she'd start barking at me. That girl needs to learn how to share, but I'll tell you more about that later.
I'm really liking staying with Aunt Michele and Ruby...I get to do one of my most favorite things...swim!
I'm really liking staying with Aunt Michele and Ruby...I get to do one of my most favorite things...swim!
Yeah, I'll admit, I'm no Michael Phelps, but I can do a mean doggie paddle. See Ruby in the video...little wimpy girl would rather bark at me than jump on in. She doesn't know what she is missing.
Aside from swimming and some major games of bitey face, things have been pretty chill for me. Here are a few more pictures for you to enjoy...

Aside from swimming and some major games of bitey face, things have been pretty chill for me. Here are a few more pictures for you to enjoy...
Ruby is one cool pup to hang out with, except when she doesn't let me play with any of her toys. She's got some real good ones too in her giant toy basket...some I KNOW she hasn't played with in a while, but every time I try and play with one she steals it! Oh and if Aunt Michele wants to pet me...she needs to weasel her way in and steal my pets and butt scratches. But you know, it is her house and she's nice enough to let me stay here, so I guess it is OK.
Oh and you'll notice who is NOT in the picture. Yep, my bro Cooper. He doesn't like Ruby...I think she is too much dog for him. Which is kinda funny because he's like got about 90 pounds on the little thing. Anyway, it was nice to meet you all...I better go before Ruby starts on me about hogging her 'puter. Later.
Oh and you'll notice who is NOT in the picture. Yep, my bro Cooper. He doesn't like Ruby...I think she is too much dog for him. Which is kinda funny because he's like got about 90 pounds on the little thing. Anyway, it was nice to meet you all...I better go before Ruby starts on me about hogging her 'puter. Later.
Bob it's nice to meet you. I think your kind of nuts for wanting to swim in that pool but to each pup their own. Hopefully you blog again before you leave. Have fun with Ruby
Hi Bob!
Wonder Rubes is quite the firecracker isn't she!!?
Wow - you can really swim good. I don't think I know how to swim.
Have fun!
It's too bad that Ruby won't swim with you, Bob, but I sorta do understand seeing as I hate to get wet too!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Hi Bob: Nice to meet you. You have a very special family, all of us here just love them. We hope you get to blog again, too. and Ruby shares her airplane with us all the time, so we think you just gotta chum up a bit more.
ps..Teka used to boss our friend Travis around. He weighs more than muzzer (and that's a lot) and when he stands up, he is taller than she is. So I have a lot of sympathy for you guys.
Hey, Bobber!
Looks to me like you will be a good influence on Ruby Bug! She IS a cool pupgirl, and as you have already found out, she is a pawful!
Love the swimming vid. Wish I could pop over for a little dip in the pool.
Goober love,
Great entry, Bob!! Bravo! We wouldn't mind a few more from you at all!!!!
-Sophie and Dixie
Bob...you're a handsome devil!
Nice to meet you Bob! I am with Ruby, I don't like to get my fur wet if I can help it. But I like watching you swim. Hope you get to blog more during your stay.
Youre a good swimmer, Bob!
My name is "Bobo" but my dad always calls me "Bob" or "Bobby."
So nice to meet you..I love to swim, and that pool looks supew wondewful...I can't believe Ruby doesn't like it..hope you have a lovely visit
smoochie kisses
Hey Bob,
You look right at home in that pool. Nice to meet you.
Noah Willow Tess & Lucy
G'day Bob
For you first ever post on a blog you did a great job :-)
Bob! That's our dad's name! You're better looking. Be nice to the Ruby Cube-y, ya hear?
Nice to meet you Bob - you sure are a good swimmer! You did great for your first post, hope to see you back!
Hi, Bob!
Nice to meet you!
Good job with this first post! I can see how much you like the pool!
It was funny hearing Ruby barking at you!
Kisses and hugs
Bob, you are a great swimmer!! I would never, ever, ever in one BILLION years jump in a pool. I know all about what Ruby is saying. I don't really like sharing toys either, but maybe she will lighten up as you spend more time there!
What up Bob?
Nice to meet cha bob! You are a good swimmer just like me! Heh!
Butt wiggles,
Solid Gold Dancer
Hello Maggie & Mitch,
We have been so naughty at keeping uptodate with our bloggy. We will do better as we miss all our blggy friends.
Cassidy x
Hi Bob! You did GREAT for a first blog post!
You have a very sweet face. Mom would want to kiss your snooter.
Nice to meet you Bob! You are one handsome fella! Blogging is great! I'm glad Ruby let you try it!
Hi Bob!
I am so glad to finally meet you! Ruby has said so many nice things about you. You are super cute, and I love your swimming video!
Love Clover xo