Sleepy Sunday #6

Sunday, February 17, 2008

I decided today to do a guest spot on Sleepy Sunday...mainly because Mom hasn't managed to take any new sleepy pictures of me...can you imagine?

So the guest star today is none other than my adorable puggy pal Clover...
Isn't that just the sweetest picture ever??? Now it's my turn to do a little sleeping. Hope everypup had a good weekend.


32 Responses to "Sleepy Sunday #6"

Anonymous said... 1:56 PM


Tell Mom to stop neglecting you and get with it, we need new pics

Enjoy your sleepy sunday, and yes Clover is adorable, I may have to dog nap her.

Nanny & Opal

Petra said... 2:16 PM

Motch says she'd like to pick up Clover and snuggle her all of this sleepy afternoon.

Ferndoggle said... 2:16 PM

That picture makes me sleepy!! Clover is such a cutie.


Duke said... 2:57 PM

awwwwwwwww, what a sweet picture of Clover!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Mack said... 3:01 PM

She is one sleepy puggy!

Hope all is well with you my Ruby, Sleep tight!


Poppy said... 5:25 PM

It is a Sleepy Sunday, isn't it? I have been sleeping on the couch most of the day. And we still have one more day of weekend left!!!


Lorenza said... 7:36 PM

Hi, Ruby!
You need to have another of your famous talks with your mom! How is that of no pictures of you??
Sure Clover is adorable!
Kisses and hugs

Joe Stains said... 8:50 PM

we cant sleep, BABY IS HOME and we are so excited!!

Deanna said... 9:15 PM

Awww! That is a cute sleepy puggy!

Noah the Airedale said... 12:18 AM

Clover is a cutie pie!!!

Hugs and tail wags
Noah Willow Tess & Lucy

Boo Casanova said... 6:46 AM

clover is cute! is she taken?

wet wet licks


Amber-Mae said... 7:41 AM

Too cute!

Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer

The Zoo Crew said... 11:43 AM

What a cute sleepy pug :) My mama likes to take sleeping pictures of us too!

Peace + Paws,

Lucy Lu

Tadpole said... 3:44 PM

*yawn* I'm sleeping even as I type this.... (I'm very talented at multi-tasking)

Asta said... 4:10 PM

I'm sneeping too!
Aftew you an I stayed up nuwsing Stanley all night with his concussion I'm exhausted!
Clovew is a dawling sleepy puppy
smoochie kisses

Emily and Ike said... 6:38 PM


Ralph said... 8:09 PM

Clover is such a cutie! Snuggling is a great talent


Girl Girl Hamster said... 12:38 AM

That's a really sweet photo. NOw I'm sleepy too

~ Girl girl

Simba and Jazzi said... 1:32 AM

Thats so sweet.

Simba x

umekotyan said... 3:56 AM
This comment has been removed by the author.
umekotyan said... 3:57 AM

Good evening Ruby.
Clover is slowly relieved.

from loved ume tyan

Moco said... 8:52 AM

Grammie says, "a nap always makes everything better" and she doesn't care if we sleep with her.

Clover said... 9:58 AM

Yay! You used the picture of me sleeping on dad for your sleepy Sunday. Thanks Ruby!
Hope you had a great weekend!
Love Clover xo

Maya and Kena said... 12:54 PM

Aww... Clover is so CUTE! And the picture is adorable!!
Wags and licks,
Maya and Kena

Lizzy said... 2:12 PM

Awww, Clover is adorable! But not quite as adorable as you, I might add! Hee hee.


Koobuss said... 8:20 PM

Clover looks like she's got life all figured out. It doesn't get any better than that.

Thank You Ruby for getting all my guests safely to and home from my ski pawty. There was that blizzard over the midwest, but that didn't affect you a bit. You are a terrierific pilot, Ruby! I will fly with you anytime!!

Love and Koobuss Kisses,

Stanley said... 10:46 PM

Ruby Bug!

I've gotta tell ya that while I think Clover is an adorable little goober of a puggy girl, I miss seeing your sleepy and cuddly face! (But, I understand about hoomans not getting the right kind of photos).

Thank you for taking care of me when I konked my big goober head. You're a peach!

Goober love & smooches,

Urban Smoothie Read said... 9:32 AM

clover is having a sweet dream there...

Juno said... 1:25 PM

Hello Ruby, sorry that we haven't visited you for so long.

What an adorable picture of Clover!! :)

We love your Valentine's Day card. Hope you had a wonderful day on this special day.

Momo & Pinot

wally said... 4:30 PM

AWWWWW! Sometimes I try to sleep on my ma ape like that but she said that it is too hard for her to breath and she thinks asphyxiation is NOT CUTE. Oh well.


Myeo said... 5:25 PM


Boy n Baby

Casper said... 10:00 PM

Awww. You look so exhausted and oh so cute!