Love is in the Aire...

Wednesday, February 06, 2008

Next week is going to be a super exciting week... yep, there is Koobie's Valentine's pawty...

At the same time it is also Baby & Huskee Boy's wedding...

Thank dogness for the international date line or we'd never be able to make both events. In true Aire Ruby style we are up for the challenge because we love to pawty and most importantly we love our friends - W00t!!! Please leave a comment if you need a ride. Koobie's pawty confirmation list is already posted and Baby & Huskee's Wedding list will be posted tonight. Looking forward to seeing you all again soon!!!


35 Responses to "Love is in the Aire..."

Mack said... 8:59 AM

Hi my beautiful brindle Boston!

It is gonna be SOOO much fun this V-Day...I can't wait to see you again!


Anonymous said... 10:51 AM


Mack has stars in his eyes everytime he posts a message to you, is he your secret valentine?


Mack said... 10:54 AM


Peanut said... 11:00 AM

Ruby make sure you've got Flash and I down for both. We are so excited. hey do you know if Penny is coming to the valentine's party?

Harry said... 11:05 AM

Count us in Ruby! Did you hear BabyStan invited Cassidy to Koobie's pawty! Think I need to keep an eye on that sister of mine!

Toodle pip
Harry x

Gus said... 1:46 PM

Oh My, Please make my reservations for both pawties. I would like my usual seat near Miss Snickers, and Teka can fly cargo, OK?


Anonymous said... 1:55 PM


Keeper and me Opal

Wheelies Opal

wally said... 2:55 PM

Oh my dog! I'm totally unprepared for V-Day. I need to get flowers and breath mints...


Princess, Tank and Isaac: The Newfs of Hazard said... 3:30 PM

Hey, Ruby! Can we come to Koobus' party? What do we have to do?

Agatha and Archie said... 6:31 PM

Oh my,we almost forgot to reserve for Koobies party!!! Reservations for 2 please!!!!! Love and kisses A+A

Lizzy said... 6:59 PM

Hi Ruby! I wanna come to Koobus' party! Can I get a ride on Aire Ruby?


Lorenza said... 7:38 PM

Hi, Ruby!
Thanks to you we all be able to go to both parties!
I can't wait!
Kisses and hugs

Emily and Ike said... 8:41 PM

I can't wait to go to a wedding where I'm not nervous!

Urban Smoothie Read said... 9:47 PM

i'm getting excited awaiting the valentine's to arrive...

Marvin -The Hollow Hound said... 11:39 PM

Ruby, I have dark circles under my Marvin eyes with all this pawtying.

I love to pawty though, and I adore flying Air Ruby!

Get those Pawtinis on chill for me please!

love and licks, Marvin xxxxxxxx
pee ess I have kept your song going on my blog, just for you!

Amber-Mae said... 12:04 AM

Oh my, I almost forgot! I gotta find an evening gown to wear to Huskee & Baby's wedding!

Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer

Simba and Jazzi said... 12:40 AM

me, me , me , me , me, don't forget me.

Simba x

Duke said... 4:15 AM

If you can do both, then so can we! Please count us in for both events, Ruby and thank you!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Anonymous said... 1:44 PM

Ruby!!! You are too cute! I love your rub my belly necklace!!!

My name is Knuckles and I am a giant chihuahua. Pleased to meetcha.

The Zoo Crew said... 2:38 PM

Wow! Such a socialite :) Have lotsa fun!!

Peace + Paws,

Lucy Lu

Anonymous said... 6:17 PM

WOOO, Tia and I want to go to BOTH parties. I believe we are already registered for Koobie's pawty, but we want to go to Baby and HUskee Boy's wedding too :)

Hugs - Sitka

Casper and pals said... 6:29 PM

Add us in to go to both parties! What a great Valentines it will be!

Woofs Casper, Buddy and Nikki

umekotyan said... 6:04 AM

Good evening ruby.
It seems to become one busy week.
Valentine's Day is filled with a wonderful chocolate.
And, a wonderful wedding. :)

from loved ume tyan

The Brat Pack said... 10:13 AM

Wow, all these events! Us dogs have way better social lives than our humans.


Asta said... 11:51 AM


I'd like to bwing Maya and Kena with me, fow both pawties too
thank you sweetie??
Who's youw Valentine??
smoochie kisses

Joe Stains said... 3:31 PM

We can't wait for both of these events! I better clean up my bow tie, I already have my tux!

Frasier said... 4:16 PM

Aah a wedding!I need to pull out my powder blue tux!!

Maya and Kena said... 5:33 PM

Hey there Ruby!
Is it too late to ask fur a ride to Koobuss' pawty? Asta is taking us along with her.
Wags and licks,
Maya and Kena

Koobuss said... 10:01 PM

Oh Ruby,

Do you think that I will be able to attend the wedding and still make it back in time to welcome my guests to the ski party? Perhaps I should just send my regrets to Huskee Boy and Baby Yeo in order to have time to finish my own preparations. What do you think?

You do a great job with all your flights and reservations lists, Ruby. You are very well organized, thorough, and efficient. It is always a pleasure to fly AireRuby.

Love and Koobuss Kisses,

Weeny&Daisy said... 6:30 AM

Ooo can we come please? :D They sound like so much fun!

Love Weeny and Daisy xx xx

Jackson's J1 and J2 said... 12:16 PM

Hey Ruby, can I book seats on both flights please? I'm still working on my costume for the wedding, can't decide what to wear yet. J x

Moco said... 9:54 AM

We never get to go anywhere. Do you think you could pick us up for these events? Maybe just me, not the boys.

Noah the Airedale said... 8:10 PM

We'll be looking out for Aire-ruby to take us all to Koobie's Valentine's Day ski pawty. Hope there's enough room for all the ski gear...cripes, this is so exciting. Thanks Ruby for coming all the way down to Australia to pick us up.

Hugs and tail wags
Noah Willow Tess & Lucy

Asta said... 4:23 PM

Congwatulations on the bootiful hooman pup, Madelen( I think I missspelled hew name I'm sowwy)
she's weally lovely!!!

I'm so upset, Baby is missing ..
I can't believe it
smoochie kisses

Isis said... 5:38 PM

i was looking for the way to the valentine's day party... i was looking for the air ruby?

Oh dear me, i feel lost!