We interrupt Sleepy Sunday for this Important Announcement...

Sunday, February 10, 2008

I have a new people pup cousin!!! W00T!!! My quasi-cousins Bob and Cooper have a new people pup sister Madeline (she's the pup Mom made that pretty sweater for). She arrived VERY early today at 3:07am!!! She was 8lbs 4oz and 21" long. I really can't wait to meet her!!! Mom is going to meet her this afternoon. I'm so jellyfish!!!! When she gets a little bigger we are going to have the bestest time playing...I just know it!

Congrats Uncle Mark, Auntie Michele, Bob and Cooper!!! Mom and I are so very happy for you!!!


27 Responses to "We interrupt Sleepy Sunday for this Important Announcement..."

Peanut said... 3:54 PM

Oh congrats she is so cute.

Lorenza said... 5:33 PM

Hi, Ruby!
Congratulations to your Uncle Mark and Auntie Michele!
Madeline looks sooooo cute!
Sure you will have tons of fun playing with her!
Kisses and hugs

Jen and Suki said... 7:22 PM

Mom was just telling me that her good friend had a human pup that was 8 pounds, 4 ounces and 21 inches long a week ago! And my mom was 8 pounds, 4 ounces, 21 inches too! Must be a popular size. Congrats, Ruby! New human babies RULE!

Kirby said... 7:38 PM

What a beautiful hooman pup. Congratulations to Bob and Cooper and their entire family!

Your pal,

Noah the Airedale said... 8:04 PM

Congrats to Mark & Michelle and welcome to the world little Madeline.

Hugs and tail wags
Noah Willow Tess & Lucy

Girl Girl Hamster said... 9:48 PM

Your new hooman pup cousin is so cute. Congrates to your family

~ Girl girl

Cassidy said... 2:53 AM

Aw, she be sweet. Does she have a name yet?

Cassidy x

Bella said... 3:34 AM

She s sooooo adorable - how cool to have a new hooman pup to play with in the future

Anonymous said... 4:10 AM

Ruby & Mom

She is sooooooo cute tell Mark & Michele Congrats from Nanny.

Madeline showed up a few days early hope all is well.

Be sure to give Bob & Cooper smoochies.

Love, hugs, belly rubs, smoochies & Wheelies

Opal, Nanny too

Mack said... 4:11 AM

Madeline is sooo beautiful!

I know what she must be saying in that picture..."When do I get to meet Wonder Ruby?"!!!

umekotyan said... 4:36 AM

Good evening blue.
It is a lovely baby.
It is wonderful time in Bob and Cooper's wonderful love. :)

from loved ume tyan

Duke said... 5:06 AM

awwwwwwwwww, she's just adorable, Ruby!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Anonymous said... 9:55 AM

Many congratulations Ruby to Bob and Cooper! And welcome to the world, little Madeline! What a cutey.

love and many licks, your friend, Marvin xxxxxx

Joe Stains said... 11:11 AM

what a cute cute human pup! Congrats to you and your family ruby!

Petra said... 2:28 PM

YEA!!!!!! What WONDERFUL news! She is beautiful!

Lenny said... 3:59 PM

She is so precious - congratulations Ruby! Hey, can I get a lift on AireRuby for Valentine's Day?

The Brat Pack said... 8:39 PM

Congrats, she's adorable!

Amber-Mae said... 1:35 AM

Oh my my my, she's soooo adorable! Congratulations to them! What's her name?

Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer

Emily and Ike said... 9:15 AM

She's very pretty! Congrats!

Sparky said... 12:43 PM

What an adorable people pup! You take good care of her Ruby.

Anonymous said... 3:07 PM

Woo Congrats. She is adorable!!!
HUgs - Sitka

Lizzy said... 5:15 PM

Congratulations! She is a very cute baby! You all must be so excited!


Boo Casanova said... 11:12 PM

congrat! ruby, are you an auntie now? LOL

wet wet licks


Urban Smoothie Read said... 5:45 AM

congratulation to the family...

she's adorable...

Martha said... 6:16 AM

She's just precious! Congrats! Love, Martha

Clover said... 7:55 AM

Hi Ruby!
I miss you! My mom is promising to let me post on Friday this week.
Congrats on your new people pup cousin! She is soo super cute.
Love Clover xo
P.S. I am excited for the Valentine party tomorrow!! I will be waiting for AireRuby!

Faya said... 4:05 AM

Welcome little Madeline.... Congratulations.
Kisses, Faya