Also, let me apologize...I haven't really been around to check blogs much lately. Mom has been working a lot and spending time with baby Madeline. Don't get me wrong...I'm not being neglected...when she gets home we spend lots of time playing and cuddling, but there aren't enough hours in the day (or so my Mom says) to get it all in. I promise we will try and catch up over the weekend.
So now on to the 'issue' at paw - boys, I need to ask you to move away from the blog...I need some girl-bark time...
OK girls, I need some advice. As you know Stanny and I have been 'an item' (along with Asta and my BFF Suki) for quite a while now. I love Stanny, he is the bestest boyfriend a girlpup could ask for. He's kind and generous and loving...he really is one in a million. Asta, don't you agree?
Well, over the past few months, Mack and I have gotten closer...he is such a cute boy. He's really sweet to me and an excellent dancer. Plus, he sends me Dogster prezzies all the time!!! I'm so torn...he really wants to be my boyfriend! He even went so far as to ask my Stanny's permission...and of course Stanny being the gentledog he is, said whatever would make me happy. That just made me swoon!!!
I really like Mack. I really like Stanny - oooohhhhh what should I do???? I'm soooooo confused!!!! I being too greedy 'cause I don't want to give my Stanny up? Stanny said he'd be willing to share, since I share him already. But would that be fair to Mack? or to Stanny? I'm just so confused and it's almost Valentine's day...Girls...what should I do???

Ruby, Ruby, Ruby
What is a girl to do, since Asta is also Stanley's girl, why don't you let her have all of him, since Mack apparantly wants to be yourboyfireld so much.
I am sure Stanley will understand, just remind him that one girl is a lot cheaper to keep than two.
Please don't forget to pick me and Nanny up for the party at Koobie's Mt. Hairy Lodge, Mack told Nanny that he got his tux clean and she can take his picture with you. Hee, Hee, isn't love grand.
I will see you on Aire Ruby
Sorry Ruby. Nothing more guaranteed to get a guy's interest than saying girls only.
Anyway. If they are both happy with sharing a terrorist like you - why not go for both. At least it isn't very difficult to remember two names - I've already started to write out my Valentine's list I am so worried I will forget some gorgeous girlfriend.
You haev a big heart and lots of Ruby love to share don't you? Unless of course you only want one boyfriend.....
Hi, it's Nikki here. I'm the girl in the family except for Momma. She's a girl too. Momma and I both think that it is just fine to have 2 boyfriends. After all there are lots of cute, sweet doggies out there and how can you stay with just one? So don't give Stanny up! But you can start to see Mack too!
On another note, please book Casper, Buddy and myself (Nikki) into the Aire Ruby flight for Kubass's Valentine Party. We would also like to continue the flight on to Boy's and Baby's Wedding party. We are very hopeful that Baby will be back from her adventure in time to get married.
See you soon,
Valentine Love from Nikki and brothers Casper and Buddy
If I was you I would choose Stanny
Love, Paris
Please don't listen to her Ruby!
She's just being a witchypoo today.
I can totally understand how you feel about Stanny. He is a great pup and you've known him a long time.
Any relationship you wanna have with me is okay - as long as we'll be friends always!
Love, kisses, bellyrubdowns, smooches and sugars to my sweetie,
You do have one tough choice here, Ruby! Mack is just so cute and so is Stanley! Mack is more your size but Stanley is so tall and elegant! I'm not helping, am I?! Why not choose them both?!
Love ya lots,
Okay Ruby, This is easy. You don't have to decide. It's an independent woman dog's prerogative to have as many boyfriends as she wants and I think Stanny and Mack cover a nice spectrum of size for you. So, my answer is BOTH!
p.s. Where the hell is Stanny these days?
Ruby, you can never have too many boyfriends. I'm quite sure Stanny would share you with Mack. As long as you share Mack with ME! I love his jowly lips!
I say you can have both of them.Why not??? Your not married and Stanny agrres have fun life is short.
Me and Gussie's muzzer think two (or more) dogboyfriends is OK. As long as there are no dogfights or anything.
I can surely understand your attraction to both of those guys. Just don't get your Ruby red heart broken, OK Kid?
both cheek kissies from Teka Toy and muzzer
I don't think you should wowwy youw bootiful Ruby head..both Stanny and Mack love you..just take the love and give some back to bof..If you evew want to settle down, that's anothew stowy, but fow the long as it's OK with you that I love Stanny too and sometimes I sneak off with him..all's well
see you at Koobie's
smoochie kisses
and you'we wight Stanny is one in a million, but Mack suwe is a sweetie and man does he know how to dance, heheh
You HAVE to choose mack! He gives me kisses all the time and talks about you non-stop!! His kisses are awesome, too....
~Mack's Cousin Katie
Two boyfriends means double the gifts, kisses, and love. Plus, what great guys you have fighting for your attention, you are cutie.... enjoy it! hee hee
Sorry, for posting so late, is there still room on Aire Ruby?????
Frenchie Snorts
Hi Ruby, as long as you are honest with both of your suitors, I don't see any reason why you can't see them both. If either gets a little jealous, remind them that you are an independent, modern gal--and that they are lucky to have such a HOTTIE on their hands!
xoxo - Bella
Mom made me stop reading after a while, so I don't know what to tell you!
Ike's mom here - I love Stan, but he already has 3 girlfriends and Mack is so darn handsome, so ...
Ike's mom
Hi, Ruby!
Yes, you have a tough decision! I think you have to follow what your heart says! Sorry, I guess I am not too helpful.
Kisses and hugs
Oh Ruby, that's such a tough decision. Me, I am going to stick by my Baby. I am paw-sitive she will return home soon..
Happy Valentine's Day.
I think you can date both of them. Happy Valentine's day to you Ruby
~ Girl girl
Happy valentines day.
Lots of love Simba x
An Ode from Marvin to Ruby in reply on Valentine's Day.
"ooooooh my sweetest Ruby Blue,
big Valentine's decisions for you.
On one paw there is Stanny and on the other there is Mack.......
Why not fly to Scotland and see me behind their backs........"
pee ess seriously I think you should just date both of them, life is for living and after all, the more the merrier in my view!
Happy Valentine's Day and we quite understand about the blogging, no worries!
oooops sorry I got carried away and spelled your second name wrong!
I blame the Editor In Chief.
Marv xxxxxx
Hmm, well we dont know Stanny, we're sure he is lovely and all, but we love Mack, and we know how much he lurrrves you!
Love Weeny and Daisy xx xx
You're an independent, strong woman and that's why Stanny loves ya. So I'm definitely sure that you're woman enough to handle Stan AND Mack! And also I steal a Goobersmooch from time to time. It's good to share.