I guess there isn't going to be another one for a long time...maybe it was a surprise for my Auntie Joey's barkday???
Hi! My name is Ruby. I am a Boston Terrorist (oops, I mean Terrier) who loves to run, play in mud and eat snackies.
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A Looney Eared Eat Lips...
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
I guess there isn't going to be another one for a long time...maybe it was a surprise for my Auntie Joey's barkday???
6:45 PM | 24 Belly Rubs
Blog Archive
- LEAPing for Joy!!!
- What the Halla???
- Long overdue...
- Sleepy Sunday #7
- Happy Burpday Wally!!!
- A Looney Eared Eat Lips...
- Sleepy Sunday #6
- Happy Valentine's Day...
- Girls...I need some help!
- We interrupt Sleepy Sunday for this Important Anno...
- Love is in the Aire...
- Don't forget to...
- Sleepy Sunday #5 - um I mean Monday...
- Are you ready for some footyball and fun???
Yeah, my mom thinks it's cool too.
we live in the gosh darn desert where it always clear and sunny and we get clouds on this night, what a rip off!
Ah.. that looks scary.. **cover eyes with paws**
~ Girl girl
Oh yeeeees! We saw that too!!! At 5 AM! Scary noooo? The next full moon eclipse will be 2011... oh boy!
Looks spokey. Did you see any ghosts?
Simba x
We're all poopers here! We went to bed too early and missed it! Glad you got to see it, Ruby!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Gosh.. that's cool Ruby! Can't believe you got to see that!
I've never eaten lips, but I've eaten ears, hooves, knuckles!
How cool!
Wish I was there to see it with you!
Isn't that we say everyday? Hehehe! But kewl you gotta see it! Last year, we saw two moons. The other moon was not a moon, it was infact another planet. The moon got too close to that one. Kewl huh?
Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer
Hi Ruby!
I saw the looney eared eat lips too!! I barked at it. Dad and my uncle were outside taking pictures - they are geeks too. It was the best at 10pm here.
Happy barkday to your aunt Joey! (Did you know that I have an aunt Joey too?? But she is a cat.)
Love Clover xo
Oh Ruby, I forgot to ask you if you could please peemail me your address - your pay it forward is almost ready!! And did you get the peemail I sent you a few months ago?
Love Clover again xo
What pawsome pics! Our mom forgot to go outside and look at that! She really appreciated your pictures!
I missed the lonely lips 'cuz I was feeling icky...but your pics made up for it.
Thanks for the well wishes...I'm feeling MUCH better now.
That is just precious. We had cloudy skies and were not able to see it. We have ice today but I got to miss work so it isn't so bad!
oh wow, we heared about this on the radio this morning Ruby!
In our part of the world it was something like 4 am, and me and my Jeannie were tucked up safe in our beds, snoozing!
It was very, very foggy here though last night, so I guess we would not have seen it.
I would have howled at it anyways!
Love and glad to be back licks, Marvin xxxxxx
How exciting. I wonder if we would have seen it here? Too late now!
Toodle pip
Harry x
We had no idea it was happening! That's how out of touch we are over here - and that's okay with me... just keep giving me baby carrots.
oh mannnnnnn, mom was talking about that last nite but i totally missed it...i don't even think mom knew what time it was happening..
Very very nice! Did you see the two headed cow that flew over the moon too? :P
That was pretty cool, Mom missed it so it's a good thing you posted.
Hi, Ruby!
We missed it too! Thanks for posting those pictures!
Kisses and hugs
It is an image of the total lunar eclipse.
Very, it is romantic.
Wonderful mystery in space. :)
from loved ume tyan
That is so cool!! And we saw Ike's photo too!! How pawsome! Happy barkday to your aunt!! :D
Wags and licks,
Maya and Kena
Great pictures! I can see why you'd be scared though, Ruby Bleu, with a name like looney eared eat lips. That's enough to give you nightmares.