So what is this? It is the mystery box for my Mack's blog...hmmm.....
Hi! My name is Ruby. I am a Boston Terrorist (oops, I mean Terrier) who loves to run, play in mud and eat snackies.
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Send me Pee-mail...
Long overdue...
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
So...I've been a little remiss in posting about all the loverly things I got from my Valentine sweetie Mack. I'm so sorry my handsome boy, I hope you can forgive me. Actually there is NOTHING I need to be forgiven for. It's really all my Mom's fault. The woman just will not stop working or stressing about work. Not sure what I'm going to do with her. So Mack, I hope you can forgive my Mom for being late about posting.
So what is this? It is the mystery box for my Mack's blog...hmmm.....
First there was this pretty hugs and kisses card with a very special Valentine message. Sorry pups, not at liberty to share the special message. It's just between me and my Mack...
I got some really wonderful a Valentine loofa doggin, and pink strawberries and some yummy beef snackables. The pink strawberries were just like the chocolate strawberries I got Mack! We know each other so must be density!
My Mom even got some prezzies too from Mack's Mom...lots of BT stuff which Mom loves!!! Unfortunately, Mom wouldn't share the cool BT stuffy key chain...the nerve!
And as you can see I think my favorite prezzie of them all was the strawberries...I REALLY loved the strawberries...Like A LOT!!! Just like my Mack.
Thank you my Mack and Mack's Momma for all the wonderful prezzies!! And most important thanks for being my special Valentine and sharing me with Stanny!!!
So what is this? It is the mystery box for my Mack's blog...hmmm.....
7:08 AM | 26 Belly Rubs
Blog Archive
- LEAPing for Joy!!!
- What the Halla???
- Long overdue...
- Sleepy Sunday #7
- Happy Burpday Wally!!!
- A Looney Eared Eat Lips...
- Sleepy Sunday #6
- Happy Valentine's Day...
- Girls...I need some help!
- We interrupt Sleepy Sunday for this Important Anno...
- Love is in the Aire...
- Don't forget to...
- Sleepy Sunday #5 - um I mean Monday...
- Are you ready for some footyball and fun???
Don't you just love how stuffies explode?
Oh my beautiful Ruby!!
I am so glad you liked your stuff!
Don't be mad at your momma for working a bunch. They do that so they can buy us snackies and treatsies! Just so she gives you mucho sugars and cuddles when she gets home. And I know she does!
Who could resist that gorgeous Ruby face!
My mom works too much I think too. I just try to lay a guilt trip on her (as they used to say in the
70's). It usually pays off with PB filled Kongs or chew hooves and bully sticks to snack on in the afternoon!
Luv ya girl!
What a sweetie Mack and his mom are! We think those strawberries are pretty cool too! OOPS! hehehe
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
To quote: "WOOT!" those are some great pressies.
Mack sure knows what you like, Ruby!
That's true love.
For sure!
hey ruby i was wondering if you have any news on suki and joey
You two should get married. And then move out to Utah or somewhere and get married to your Stanny too!
Hi, Ruby!
The mystery box!
You and your mom got very nice presents from Mack!
I can see how much you loved those strawberries!
Kisses and hugs
Wow, those strawberries sure didn't last long! I hope they were yummy!
hm the insides of those strawberries don't look quite ripe, good thing you checked!! you got some great pressies!
Mack sure is a sweetheart for sending you those pawsome gifts
~ Girl girl
What lovely gifts. You are very lucky.
Simba xx
Aww, that is sooo sweet of Mack & that red Loofa Dog is nice! My honking Loofa is dead, sooo sad. Those are just some nice Valentine's pressie!
Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer
those are some lovely valentine gifts from mack boy...
Mack has a very sensitive side to know that you love all those things. He is a fella worth keeping. You really did de-juice those strawberries. Way to go!
What an pawsome box of stuff..Mack is da bomb!
Ooo, what lovely gifts! J x
Those awe fabulous gifts..That Mack is a vewy thoughtful and wondewful boy!!and he knows just what you like! it is density, hehee..I'm kinda lonely these days with ouw Stanny not being awound..I feel like he's off in the waws ow something..I keep witing and don't get weplies..but I don't want to make him feel badm cause I know his Giwl has to do hew papew...but I do miss him
smoochie kisses
He doesn't even know I was at the awawds ow anything
That was so sweet of Mack to send you these gifts! Those pink strawberries look like fun to play with. Looks like you did a good job at eating them.
What great gifts. You are such a lucky girl! Love, Martha
You are so lucky! Mack is a great guy to give you such fun prezzies!
Ruby Bug!
I am convinced that Mack really does care for you and knows you well. Those are fabuloso presents from him!
I'm sorry I haven't been around much. My girl is still working on her thesis and it WILL be done this semester (or I'm gonna DIE).
I miss you, sweetness, and I hope you know I still love you!
Gooberlicious love & smooches,
Hey Ruby, you've got a great fella there with great taste in pressies.
Hugs & tail wags
Noah Willow Tess & lucy
Hi Ruby!
Mack's a real darling!
You had some great pressies from him. Now, please don't be jealous but he sent me a Valentine's card & lovely gift too!
I can't remember now whether on my last visits, I told you & Mom, I'd a new blog home or not!
You'll now find me, if you wish to @
Pats & pets
Oh Ruby, those strawberries didn't last long!
Mack sounds like a sweet boy.
Cassidy x two are so sweet. Did those strawberries barf?