Hi! My name is Ruby. I am a Boston Terrorist (oops, I mean Terrier) who loves to run, play in mud and eat snackies.
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There is still time...
Thursday, October 02, 2008
Yesterday my Mom got her sample ballot in mail for the November 4th pawsidential election. I was very sad to not see my candidate on the ballot even with all the coverage he's been getting...
Pups, make sure to bark at your hoomans to get out and vote on Nov 4th! It's really, really important!!!! Oh and if they aren't registered yet, there is still time...they have until October 6th!!!

7:35 AM | 19 Belly Rubs
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- Trick-or-Treating is PAWSOME!!!!
- Boo!
- An early Halloweenie Prezzie for Me!!!
- A call to duty...
- Sleepy Sunday #35
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- It's the Most Wonderful Time of the Year...Part II
- It's the most wonderful time of the year...
- Sleepy Sunday #34
- Thursday is brought to you by the letter 'T'
- She's finished...and I just couldn't wait!!!
- Halloween Hint #3
- Sleepy Sunday #33
- Halloween Hint #2
- Halloween Contest - Guess my Costume
- No title
- Sleepy Sunday #32
- There is still time...
Yeah Tadpole! Yeah Joey! I am barking out the vote here in our neighborhood, and those of us who have the franchise at this address are registered and volunteered for election day! Hehehehe...In Azrizona, they let me go vote with muzzer. So I could help, ya know. But here it may be a different story.
reporting from Mayemphis
Thank doG we have more choices!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Guess we will have to write them in! Dunno bout othr states, but in Texas Oct 6 is last day to register.
ps I will be soooo glad when this is over. The Texas sun dogs are sick of it all. Cept for the dogs running, if those people running open their mouthes, they are telling lies....sorry -just sick of it. Go Joe and Tadpole!!!!!!
Voting is one of the most important things we can do. Grammie and Pappy always cancel each others vote. They are so goofy.
Pomegranate Stains! Sounds like a winning team to me!
Hugs & Snugs,
Eduardo the Snuggle Puggle
Poop I miss all the fun being stuck across the pond in UtterlyKrap (UK)
Ben xxx
I told my mom to write Tad & Joey's name on the ballot....we'll see what happens!
Hi, Ruby!
I can't vote for those humans but sure I will vote for Tad and Joey!
Kisses and hugs
Yeah you've gotta vote. We want to vote but we can't.....sigh.
Noah xx
Voting is very importants. I would ask My Bi-Peds to register but I don't think they would be allowed to!
Thanks for the reminder to exercise our freedom to vote, Ruby Bleu.
Tadpole Pomegrante Joe Stains is the ticket that has my full support all the way to Pennsylvanis Avenue!
Those two pups need to hurry up and get on the ballot! They got our vote!
Any of you would make a better president than the ones we have to choose from.. arg..
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
We know Tad has the right stuff for the job!!! We hope the rest of the US agrees!
If I was in America you would get my vote.
Simba x
Yepper Callie went along but she didn't get to chase any sheep. She sure was interested in watching them though. She did however like chewing the poop off dad's boots..
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
Oh Ruby...we'd vote for them ANYDAY!!!!!
Do you have buttons we could wear????
WHAT?! I am not even on the BALLOT yet?!?! Who on my staff has been slacking off...? Good thing you caught that in time, Ms Ruby Bleu Cube!
Haha! Go Tad! I wish he was in the debates. They would be much more fun, especially if he did that thing where he sticks his face right in the camera.
wally t.