It's the Most Wonderful Time of the Year...Part II

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Hey everypup!!! Thanks for the great comments on my decorations! They are pretty fun and scawie!!! I thought I'd share a few more of our decorations...oh and Nanny, we'll try and leave some of the decorations up for your visit...W00t!

The first two really aren't that scawie...more fallish...

Shhh...don't tell anypup...I took that pine cone when I visited Lake taterTahoe last spring...

I'm not sure why this guy is called a 'scarecrow', he doesn't look very scawie to me!

This is Boo the Ghost, not to be confused with Boo the Casanova - hee hee hee. Oh and that's my Auntie Joey and cousin Danny...Hi Auntie Joey and Cousin Danny!!! I can't wait until you visit me next month!!! W00t!!!

Isn't this little guy fun? He's hanging out in the kitchen watching over the veggies...Mom said his eyes used to light up, but they don't anymore --- boo hoo.
Oh and I like this guy too...he's protecting our icee can't see it, but he's wearing red Converse sneakers!!! This is one of my Mom's favorite decorations!!!

Mom seems to have really liked punkin' heads because look at this...
I like the angry one, hee hee hee!!! Also if you look real close the fabric on the table has little ghosties on it!!!!

And isn't this just the best...Mom says this would be us taking a walk if we were skelertons - BOL!!!
Well, that's it...and just because this is my blog here is yet another picture of my costume!!!


20 Responses to "It's the Most Wonderful Time of the Year...Part II"

Gus said... 8:34 AM

Ruby! My favorite is the scarey Crow. We have a little one, and ours used to light up too. Hmmm....wonder what it is with these decorations?


Mack said... 8:36 AM

Hi pretty RBS!
Do you ever get just a touch of an urge to on those pretty decorations?

Clover said... 9:57 AM

Hi Ruby! I sure do love all your decorations! The skeleton person and dog are the best! Where did your Mom find that one? I think we should have one too!
You look so adorable in your costume. I am going to try to post a pic of me in my costume tomorrow. Maybe I can post some of our decorations too...
Love Clover xo

Rachel said... 10:08 AM

cool decorations, Ruby!

Tell your mom if she wants to bounce any contest ideas off me, she can email me at the project dogway address. That's what I did with Sophie and Dixie's (and Harley's) mom, Kelly, after Sophie's Next Pug Model was over. She helped me out a lot.

Peanut said... 11:24 AM

Oh mom likes those skeleton and dog. Oh do you want more of those pinecones. We have a whole bunch that big in the backyard. bol

Simba and Jazzi said... 12:11 PM

So many scary things! sleep with one eye open.

Simba x

Moco said... 2:35 PM

Great decorations and a wonderful costume. Your mom has really gone all out for this holiday.

Jen and Suki said... 3:48 PM

Those are great decorations! Fall is my favorite time of the year (since summer is too hot for long walkies and winter is too cold and spring is too wet!). Mom and I really like the skelerton pawson walking the dog!

Duke said... 4:02 PM

Mom loves the Annalee on the pumpkin! How adorable! Your mom sure loves Halloween, Ruby!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Charlie Daniels said... 4:11 PM

I love the SkeleDog one :-)



Lorenza said... 6:33 PM

Hi, Ruby!
Boo the Ghost is very cute!
The skeletons are pawesome!
Kisses and hugs

Emily and Ike said... 7:44 PM

You look adorable!

Eduardo said... 7:51 PM

Those are great decorations! My Mommy loves pumpkins!
Hugs & Snugs
Eduardo the Snuggle Puggle

Joe Stains said... 8:25 PM

you are teh cutest dragonfly we have ever seen!!

Huskee and Hershey said... 9:58 PM

Hi Ruby,
You have the greatest/ coolest/ cutest ornaments!! And of course I have never seen a dragonfly that's more gorgeous than you..

Myeo said... 10:42 PM


Your costume is very nice! You look like a cute dragonfly.

Boy n Baby

Amber-Mae said... 12:38 AM

That green googly monster is cute!

Butt wiggles,
Solid Gold Dancer

The WriggleButts said... 2:28 AM

Those skellytons going for walkies are too funny! I love that one! And you're the cutest dragonfly ever!


Sunny,Scooter, (sometimes Jamie) said... 9:32 AM

We tried to leave comments yesterday and Blogger kept eating them!!
We like these decorations better than part 1 cuz they are not as scarey!! Mom specially likes the metal guy walking the dog and the dude that guards your veggies!
Again, we can't get over how talented your mom is. We give it our first prize in homemade dog costume!! (Mom says with that and 4 bucks you can get some coffee at one of those fancy coffee places-lol) We do admire the talent. Last year we thought your skein of yarn was most original idea too.
Our mom-well-not so talented in that area....
Hugs&Hi 5s

wally said... 6:42 PM

You and your mom sure now how to PARTY it UP! We love Halloween, too.

wally t.