She's finished...and I just couldn't wait!!!

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

First there was Wonder Ruby because of my lightening speed...

Then there was the Yarn Dog because of my mad skillz with knitting...

And today, for 2008, I give you...

The Dragon Fly!!!!


 When Mom told me we would base this year's costume on my adventures with a dragon fly, I actually had something else in mind!!!! Like maybe a pith helmet and a net??? How embarrassing!!!! What do you pups think??? Oh well, there is always next year's costume, right?  I like Beckett's idea of dressing up like Bob...hee hee hee!

Anyhowl, now on to the real important stuff...our winners!!!

The winning pup in the drawing for just leaving a guess is....

I think the last line of the Haiku must have given it away - BOL!!! There were 10 pups who guessed correctly!!! Nice work, you pups know me well. So the winning pup out of all who guessed correctly is...

And since I really enjoyed this contest I'm awarding a special prize to the pup who guessed my costume first (don't you just love how I keep changing the rules - BOL!!!)...

Congratulations to our winners!!! - W00t!!!

Please send me an email at 'r u b y . b l e u @ y a h o o . c o m' (no spaces of course) with your name and address and you'll recieve a special Halloweenie Prezzie in the mail.

Thanks everypup for playing!!!
Happy (almost half way to) Halloween!!!!


46 Responses to "She's finished...and I just couldn't wait!!!"

Beckett said... 8:37 AM

This give a whole new spin on Aire Ruby! I think your costume is fabulous - your mom is very talented. I'm sure she'll have no trouble making you a Bob costume for next year. :)


The Puppies said... 9:22 AM

Wow! Your mom is really talented!! Our mom is humbled by your costume! And we think it looks absolutely gorgeous on you!!!
The Puppies

Manda Girl said... 9:54 AM

AWESOME!!! We love it!!! Many kisses from Meimei and Miko

Lacy said... 10:22 AM

w00f's Ruby, heehee i shure missed dat guess...u looks bute ti ful as a dragon fly...congrats to the winners..

b safe,

Gus said... 11:14 AM

Ruby: You are one of those lucky doggies with a tremendously talented Mom. We think it is darling.


Putter said... 11:44 AM

Hi Ruby! Hi!

Thanks for coming by! Those are neatest ever costumes! OMG! OMG! OMG! I can't wait to SEE you on our way to London for the pawty! OMG!


Putter ...:)

Anonymous said... 1:23 PM

This is your best costume yet - it looks pawesome!


Asta said... 1:32 PM

I have to admit..I evew liked dwagon flies so much befowe..but awe one bootiful dwagonfly's a gweat colow on you!
smoochie kisses
congwatulations to all the clevew kids who guessed

The WriggleButts said... 1:37 PM

Looking good, Ruby! I'm pretty impressed with the costume making skills, too! But I'm still not sure if I'm sorry we don't have Halloween or not.. Perhaps I'm better off without costumes..


Lady Kaos said... 1:52 PM

Very cute!! You're Mom is a really good seamstress! That was a fun guessing game!

Dexter said... 2:00 PM

Ruby - I think there must be some insect theme going on. Wait until you see pee-wee's costume. You look very sparkly and pretty.


Joe Stains said... 2:47 PM

You are the prettiest dragon fly I have EVER seen!!! you look fabulous.

I was kind of close when I said Fairy :)

Charlie Daniels said... 2:47 PM

Oh! I wasn't even close with my guesses! Congrats to the winners! :-)



Charlie Daniels said... 2:51 PM

PeeEss: I love the costume :-)

Duke said... 3:04 PM

You look so thrilled to be a dragonfly, Ruby! hehehehehe Your face tells the whole story!
It really is a cute costume! Your mom did a great job! Congratulations to the winners!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

BenTheRotti said... 3:06 PM

Oh My doG!! I knew you were going to look just beauuuuutiful as a dragonfly but you have surpassed all my expectations! you look jaw droppingly beauuuuutiful!

Your Mom is so talented!

aawww thank you for awarding me a prize! That is sooo swet of you! I will paw atMum to e-mail my address to you.

love, licks and tailwags,

Ben xxxx

Ruby and Penny said... 3:15 PM

Hi Ruby

What a great costume.
Love Ruby the Mini Dachshund

Moco said... 3:30 PM

Your mom put a lot of work into that costume. It is a winner for sure.
I can't believe that I won a the contest. It took us two guesses. The mom is a wimp part gave it away. Screaming like a girl. Wait, we are girls.

Anonymous said... 3:44 PM


That costume is quite simply... awesome.

Love it!

Noah the Airedale said... 5:56 PM

Wow what an outfit. Look'n good Ruby.

Noah xx

Clover said... 6:38 PM

Hi Ruby!
Your costume looks beautiful! You look so adorable; what a talented Mom you have! I just left you a comment but I think it got eaten. Oops!
Love Clover xo

Lorenza said... 7:21 PM

Hi, Ruby!
Your costume is pawesome! Your mom is an artist!
Congratulations to the winners!
Kisses and hugs

Boo Casanova said... 8:52 PM

omdog! i missed your y'day post and didn't make a guess quick enough. :(

your mom is a wonderful designer. she designs the costume all by herself? that's amazing.

wet wet licks


Huskee and Hershey said... 8:52 PM

Hi Ruby,
Your new costume beat all the other ones paws down!! I was gonna say red is your color, but looks like you look good in green too!
Btw, are the air stewardess on Aire Ruby gonna be dressed like that? I think it'd be a cool look!!

Deefor said... 8:58 PM

You look a little sad but I think it's a great costume. Your wings are amazing. Can you fly?


Scottie the 'Cutie' said... 11:41 PM

Hi Ruby!

Wow...that's a really PAWSOME costume you got there! I'll bet you're all set for Halloween now! *grins* Congrats to all the winners of the contest!

BTW,I wanted to make a reservation for the Halloween party at Aire Ruby (Asta directed me here),but I'm not sure how...Mom is a doofus, so she's clueless too! LOL! Could you help me out?


Mack said... 6:38 AM

Absolutely the most beautiful dragonfly I have ever seen!

Snowball said... 7:24 AM

You make a very cute dragonfly, Ruby.

Congratulations to the winners.


Simba and Jazzi said... 7:33 AM

I love your costume, it makes you look a bit scary.

Simba x

Simba and Jazzi said... 7:33 AM

I love your costume, it makes you look a bit scary.

Simba x

Simba and Jazzi said... 7:33 AM

I love your costume, it makes you look a bit scary.

Simba x

FleasGang said... 8:53 AM

Now I'm a little concerned. That "Daisy Flower" costume that my Mom bought me from the dollar store just isn't going to cut it! Can I come live with you, Ruby? Your costume is fantastic!!


Amber-Mae said... 8:54 AM

Now how come I couldn't guess it right? Congrats to the winners & I like your new Halloween costume! I can't believe I still haven't got kine. Hmm... Maybe I'll just wear the same one I wore last year. Keke!

Butt wiggles,
Solid Gold Dancer

Petra said... 9:14 AM

Ruby, you look gorgeous! I think green is your color, too.

Could your mom come to my house and make me a costume? I think Motch might throw a sheet over my head. She's not very creative or talented.

Poppy said... 10:46 AM

Wow, that is an awesome costume!!! You mom is really talented!


Anonymous said... 11:49 AM

ohmigod. that's all I have to say.

Bobo the Boston Terrier said... 12:28 PM

Wow! You look great! I was too fat for my costume :(

wally said... 12:49 PM

Ruby!@ That costume is so cool. Your mom is really creative and talented! W00T! Our local SPCA is promoting this contest on their website, you can raise money for your local shelter via a costume contest. I thought you might be interested since you always have the greatest costumes!

Anonymous said... 7:03 PM

Aire Ruby indeed!!!! I think it looks great!

BTW...Can I book a seat next to MY Putter-Girl, Maggie & Mitch? We will need a lot of room because I am bringing some food and drink to keep us happy!

Love, Herc

Girl Girl Hamster said... 2:29 AM

Your costume look pawsome Ruby

~ Girl girl

Ferndoggle said... 12:15 PM

Oh Ruby! You poor thing...

Mom says you look so stinkin cute she wants to gobble you up. I say you look like you're in hell. Wanna come live with me?


Sunny,Scooter, (sometimes Jamie) said... 1:13 PM

WOW. Can your mom sew or what,,,our mom is astounded(she can put a button on a shirt if she tries real hard,,,)
We hope you are in a contest somewhere cuz you should in most original, best costume, and prettiest BOSTON dragonfly ever!

MJ's doghouse said... 1:40 PM

hey ruby...can you get me a seat on air ruby for the halloween party.....and ummmm...wellll...can it be close to mango....he comforts me in my time of need on the airplane

Unknown said... 12:07 PM

Ruby, we're going to be quite the pair when you see my Howloween costume! Same color, wings, and one of the same words as in your costume name...


Your pal,


Peanut said... 12:28 PM

We love love love love it.

Ozzie, Rocky and Lola said... 1:12 PM

We are very impressed with your costume Ruby! Your mom is so talented!