Halloween Contest - Guess my Costume

Wednesday, October 08, 2008

A lot of you pups have been asking what I'm going to be for Halloween. I guess I have a bit of a reputation for interesting costumes. I blame my Mom.

Anyhowl, I think I'm going to make you pups guess. Over the next few days I'll post 3 different hints. For those of you who guess correctly, I'll put your names into a hat and ask Auntie Yvette to randomly select a winner and I will send you something fun for Halloween. What do you think? Wanna play?

So here we go...leave a comment with your guess, OK?

Hint #1...

The idea for my costume is based on a blog post.

Hmmm...interesting. You know, I've done over 300 posts so you better get looking!!! BOL!!! Oh I'll unveil my costume and announce the winner next week.


30 Responses to "Halloween Contest - Guess my Costume"

Moco said... 12:02 AM

I think you are going to be a flamingo.

Duke said... 2:55 AM

OMG, ya mean we don't even get to peak at a piece of fabric?! We need more clues, Ruby! Pretty please!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Mack said... 4:43 AM

Hmmmmmm. How about a destroyed dog bed??!

Clover said... 5:45 AM

Hi Ruby!
Hmm, are you going to be a guide dog?!
Love Clover xo
P.S. You left a comment for your Mack on my bloggie. :)

Gus said... 6:04 AM

Ruby: We notice that you didn't say it was based on one of YOUR blog posts. So we think your mom is making you a Miss Mooseburger costume.


ps...hope you are not offended. You are much cuter. Also, we really want to go the Holly Wean Party at the Tower.

Gussie and Teka

Pug(s) and Bugg said... 6:45 AM

A flight attendant? Or pilot??? for Air Ruby???

Anonymous said... 8:12 AM

I think I might have an idea!

Petra said... 9:03 AM

Prediction from Petra Pot Pie: Pumpkin!

Unknown said... 10:42 AM

Hmm, you'll be Wonder Ruby since you can fly through the air!

Can you please reserve seats for me and Mica on the Halloween flight to London? (Wow - that's my third flight to London since June!)

Thank you!

Your pals,

Petey and Mica

the Corgi Girls said... 10:59 AM

Are you dressing up like Aire Ruby?!

M & I

Kirby said... 11:13 AM


I think you are going to be an airplane capatain. That's my thoughts anyways. Oh, could you please book me for the tower of London flight? I'm so excited about this trip!!!

Your pal,

Moco said... 11:53 AM

I forgot to put in my reservation for the Tower of London pawty. I must be getting senile.

Snowball said... 1:03 PM

Wow.. what a hint. I guess I have to look through all your posts. 300 posts are a lot posts to read... but I will try.


Petra said... 3:18 PM

I just heard about the halloween party, and I want to go, too, okay Ruby? You've got my address!

Beckett said... 3:24 PM

I think you are going to dress up as Bob for Halloween! That would be a very handsome costume. :)

Can I book a spot on Aire Ruby for the Halloween party? I've never been to London!


Balboa said... 3:38 PM

I was going to guess Aire Ruby, but the Corgi Girls beat me to it. So, I'm gonna have to think about this one. I can't wait to see what your costume it!!!!!!

While I'm posting, I want to put my reservation in for Astas Halloween party, I can't wait.

Frenchie Snorts

Clover said... 4:55 PM

Please reserve a seat for me on AireRuby for the Howloween Pawty!
Love Clover xo

Lorenza said... 6:25 PM

Hi, Ruby!
I am going to review your posts and will be back with my guessing!
Would you please reserve me a seat for the Howloween Party??
Kisses and hugs

Lizzy said... 7:23 PM


Oh boy, this is gonna be really tough... I don't have time to look through all of your posts right now, so I'm just gonna say... You're a Bumble Bee!


Joe Stains said... 7:28 PM

I have NO clue and Tanner is NO help at all!

Girl Girl Hamster said... 12:36 AM

Oh I wanna go to the pawty too.. I think you're going to be a princess at the pawty

~ Girl girl

Boo Casanova said... 1:32 AM

i wanna play! but it's gonna be tough!

today's hint is impossible for me to guess. i'll wait for the rest of the hints then.

wet wet licks


Simba and Jazzi said... 1:48 AM

I need more hints!! Lots more hints.

Simba x

Princess Patches said... 2:19 AM

Hi Ruby! We would like to reserve 3 seats on Aire-Ruby for the Halloween pawty in London. We can't wait to see everydog at the Tower of London!

Poppy, Penny & Patches

BenTheRotti said... 3:24 AM

I was thinking a pretty pink flamingo but i need more clues

slurps and licks,
Ben xxx

Two Schnauzers from New England said... 3:28 AM

Hi, Ruby -

Could you reserve two seats for Kaci and I? We hope you have a good weekend.

Love -

Hershey and Kaci

Poppy said... 10:16 AM

I can't wait to see your costume, Ruby! My Mom hasn't even started on mine yet!


Charlie Daniels said... 2:48 PM

My guess is ... you are gonna wear a bikini and pumpkin head!

Next hint please ...



Lady Kaos said... 3:16 PM

Is it a flamingo?

Anonymous said... 11:35 PM

I need more hints..! Can't wait to see your Halloween costume.