Tuesday, October 07, 2008



23 Responses to " "

Boo Casanova said... 6:55 PM

ruby!!! thanks for the info about your collar. i love your collars so much i am considering getting it for... MYSELF!

you sure love the fall. sun tanning?

wet wet licks


Lizzy said... 7:09 PM


You sure look content lying down in that grass! I like to enjoy fall too, especially on the cooler, sunny, crisp days. Have you ever tried chasing the falling leaves, or feeling the crunchiness as you eat them? Ooooh, I just love it!


Lorenza said... 8:05 PM

Hi, Ruby!
I love fall too!
I like your picture!
Kisses and hugs

Huskee and Hershey said... 8:29 PM

Hi Ruby,
That's a lovely picture of you!! Happy Sunbathing!

Charlie Daniels said... 8:49 PM

G'day Ruby

There's nothing better than laying in the sun is there :-)



Asta said... 9:27 PM

Sunshine in youw bootiful face..cwisp aiw and evewything is fwesI looove fall
you look diva gowgeous
smoochie kisses

Poppy said... 10:04 PM

That is a great picture of you, Ruby. Fall in California is great, isn't it?!


Simba and Jazzi said... 1:09 AM

Catching the last of the sunshine there? Good idea.

Simba x

The WriggleButts said... 1:23 AM

Looking good! Fall are me and mom's favourite time of year!


Noah the Airedale said... 2:20 AM

Lovely photo Ruby. I hope the sun is shinning for you.

Noah xx

Clover said... 5:21 AM

Aw, Ruby! What a sweet picture of you!
Thanks to your Mom for coming by with some good advice for my Mom! We appreciate it. :)
Love Clover xo

Gus said... 5:53 AM

Ruby....your coloring looks so bright in the beautiful light. Another aspect to your loveliness that we don't often see.


Petra said... 8:16 AM

That pictures shows your beautiful brindle color, Ruby! I love the nice fall weather, too.

Amber-Mae said... 11:49 AM

You look sooo serious in that picture...hee!

Butt wiggles,
Solid Gold Dancer

Moco said... 12:10 PM

The best of the best time of year.

The Army of Four said... 12:22 PM

Wooo, Ruby! What a gorgeous picture of you!

Mack said... 12:35 PM

I think that is the prettiest pic of you yet!

I hope your fall is off to a great start my love!


Duke said... 3:08 PM

oooooooooooooooo, doesn't that autumn sun feel so good, Ruby! Enjoy it!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Dexter said... 4:27 PM

Ruby! Is it true that you are taking bookings for Eric's Halloween party? Mango, Dexter, and I are already trying on costumes. We would like to go (booking early so there is room for Mango).

Hector Wheelie

Randi said... 5:22 PM

Hey Ruby! You look soooo sweet in all those pics! My favorites are sleeply sundays! I'd like to make an early booking for the Haloween Pawty please....hope there is room on the plane after MANGO!

love & licks,

Chef said... 6:36 PM

Ruby, you almost look like me in that picture ... erm, I mean you could be my sister, my younger sister .... never mind... but you do look beauuutiful!

I'm going to Asta's Holloween Party too but my Mama says I have to hang with Mango so's I don't get into mischiefs. So I'm in.


Deefor said... 9:12 PM

Nice fall picture. Are you going to be a pumpkin like your blankie?


Bobo the Boston Terrier said... 12:22 PM

You look so cute in this picture!

I've been army crawling in the grass again...Mom's so mad!