Every Doggie and Every Person, Ruby's Mom Michele here. I thought I would wrestle the keyboard away from Ruby and formally say hi and thank everyone for the warm web welcome. We have both enjoyed making new friends and reading about everyone and are both looking forward to the
Pawty this weekend...well, I'm looking forward to it, I think Ruby is just in it for the snacks.
It's been very fun over the last few weeks reading the different posts on
how doggies got their names,
where they sleep at night or
what words they know that I thought I would offer a question...
What's on your tag??
I spent a lot of time (probably too much) trying to find the perfect tag for Ruby. It actually took me a while before I found the
Fetching Tags site. What great tags they are! Yes, a little pricey, but well worth it and what's best is that their site mascot is a Boston named Hazel.
Once I found the site it was agony to try and come up with the perfect
tagline. I settled on 'Rub my Belly'.

Here's why...From the moment Ruby came home, her standard greeting was first the requisite butt wiggle followed by falling on her side and on her back. And she will just lay there until you decide to give her a good '
ol belly rub. So it may not have been very original, but it was a perfect tagline for Ruby.
So what kind of tag do you have? If it is a Fetching Tag, what does it say? How did you decide what it should say?
Hmmmm...think I need to respond to my Mom's post. I can't believe she published that photo of me...you know the one. I'm so embarrassed.
Also, I was more than willing to let her have the keyboard. I've provided her with a schedule...it's only fair.
And finally, of course I'm not in it just for the snacks. I can't wait to chat with all my new friends at the Pawty. One more day - Yay!!!!
Ok, I'm better now that I have set the record straight.
Lots of Licks, Ruby
My Fetching Tag says "Holds handsome for ransom" because my dad said that I am so handsome that I do that and it's true.
my tag just says my name, how BORING. then one says I got a medal for enduring the rabies shot!
Oooh, we don't really have exciting tags like that here in the UK. Mine says mum & dad's surname, my address & phone number, booooring!
Oscar x
Oscar is right, the law in the UK says you have to have your name, address and phone number. My tag is shaped like a bone.
Simba xx
Oh Ruby what a nice tag you have. I dont have a tag. Maybe I should get one.
~ fufu
I don't have a fancy tag like you do - mine is B-O-R-I-N-G - just your basic name and address and phone number!
Love ya lots,
I'm going to make my Mom order some of those tag TODAY! How cool! Sherman needs a Rub My Belly one for sure b/c he's a lazy slug and begs for belly rubs ALL THE TIME!
My tag just says my name & phone number. So does Sherman & Penny's, but they also have big cool yellow tags that say "I'm a Therapy Dog". I want one of those too so I've been studying real hard.
Thanks for the cool idea!
Goodness! I'm a youngster, so my girl made me cover my eyes on one of those shots! But I sneaked a peek when she wasn't looking. :-)
I have a Fetching Tag too! Mine says "please give me food" because I always act like I'm dying of malnourishment and am about to fall over starving from starvation.
Humans always take embarrassing photos and put them on the internets... it's something in the way their brains are wired - the enjoy humiliating us. But we get them back by pooping in the house and barfing on their clothes and stuff like that, so it all evens out in the end. :-)
I have a Fetching Tad that says "scratch my bum" because that is my most favoritest thing in the world.
I don't even have a fetching tag. I need one because it's another way for me to boss around the apes.
ps. "That" picture is awesome. Be proud of your lovely pink belly.
I got a Fetching Tag too!! It says "SQUIRREL PATROL", you can see it here if you like:
How I ended up with it? Well that's what I do the BEST!! If you click on my hunting videos under my label, you will actually see me hunting squirrels. Nooo I didn't kill any... I killed the rat tho that was in the video, but mum cut that part off.
Love nibbles,
Miss Sunshade
Hi Ruby,
I have my rabies tag, a HomeAgain tag, and my Portland license on my collar. And my name and address on a special Niche ID thingy that velcros around my collar. I like that because my Aunt Karen gave it to me and it doesn't dangle and annoy me, but mom's afraid no one will recognize what it is.
- Chuck
Hey there Michelle,
Suki also has a tag from Fetching Tags. They're cool :)
Suki's is square-shaped and it says "Small Dog, Big Heart" because I thought that described her perfectly!
Hey Ruby, Thanks for stopping by my new Blog. I think I'm going to have to talk Mom into getting me a fetching tag. They are so cool.
I have a cool red shiney tag made of enamel that has a white bone in the middle. On the back it has the boring stuff about where I live and my phone nos. It's nice but not as cool as yours! J x