Usually we just walk around our complex, but last few days we'be been walking to the downtown area of where we live...Fair Oaks. I know I haven't travelled a lot, but Fair Oaks is a little odd. There are chickens EVERYWHERE! Crazy, I know, but chickens...EVERYWHERE - just roaming the streets, hanging in the parks, EVERYWHERE! It's totally crazy!!! I get so excited!!!
Hi! My name is Ruby. I am a Boston Terrorist (oops, I mean Terrier) who loves to run, play in mud and eat snackies.
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Why did Ruby Cross the Road...
Monday, April 16, 2007
So since my little owie incident and the rain, I haven't gone back to the park yet. It's a bummer, but instead, to get my exercise my Mom has been taking me on walks around our neighborhood.

These chickens make a lot of noise. I've always wondered what that noise was that would wake me up, and now I's the CHICKENS!!! They are actually quite pretty , but I still think it is a little weird that they just wander that safe? What about avian flu?
7:11 PM | 2 Belly Rubs
Blog Archive
- Hanging with Bob and Cooper...
- Tag, you're it...
- Pawty Time...
- Revolution Day...
- It's Saturday....
- Collars of Many Colors...
- I'd like to thank the Academy...
- Why did Ruby Cross the Road...
- A Tale of Two Sisters...
- WOW - That was fast...
- I get all the way to the park...
- It's raining...
- Behold the power of guilt...
- Welcome to my blog...
Bringing them snacks sounds like a great idea, but what treats would a chicken like????
Frenchie Kisses,
Ruby you are so cute! My Mom thought you were a Boxer, just like me. You're probably just my size as I'm a mini-Boxer.
Thanks for signing my guest book. We'll be back soon to visit
Lola the little white Boxer
(with Sherman & Penny too).