Sleepy Sunday #48

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Hello my friends...hope you are all having a wonderful weekend. Me, I'm busy making preparations for my traditional '12 Posts' and of course napping. I really wish there were some kind of napping award, because surely I'd win it! Mom, well, the woman is a knitting machine...fortunately (as best I can tell) not a doggie sweater in sight - whew!

Any howl, I have a HUGE favor to ask...can you please send some major healing vibes to my best buddy Bob? He's having tummy problems and may have to have an operation!!!! Mom and I are waiting to hear and we are really worried. We're also worried about Wally too who has been feeling very poorly the last few days. I know we've been sending lots and lots of healing vibes's amazing we don't all run out!!!


8 Responses to "Sleepy Sunday #48"

Dexter said... 7:40 AM

We are worried about Wally too. Hopefully it was just a ploy to get some good drugs for the holidays.


NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said... 9:00 AM

Mango is soooo probably khorrekht!

Happy Sleepy Sunday to woo!

It is a Sloppy Sleepy Sunday here!


Lorenza said... 10:05 AM

Happy Sunday, Ruby!
Paws crossed for Bob and Wally!
Kisses and hugs

Asta said... 10:42 AM


You awe the queen of snoozing fow suwe!!! I will go and leave my heling smoochies fow Bob and Wlly. It's so tewwibull that ouw fwiends awen't well. I wowwy about them so much.
I'm glad youw escaping the sweatew, hehehe
smoochie kisses,ASTA

Gus said... 12:52 PM

We worrying about Wally too..are you collecting vibes, or should we just send them out on our own?


Mack said... 2:16 PM

Sending healing vibes right over!

You look so pretty in that pic...

Duke said... 2:17 PM

Our paws are crossed for Bob and Wally, Ruby! We hope they both feel better soon.
What is your mom knitting?

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

Petra said... 2:33 PM

I'm snoozing with you in the midwest, Ruby. It's that kind of a drizzly-stay-inside-and-sleep-day.

Saying a prayer for Bob and Wally...