Day 10

Wednesday, December 23, 2009


On the 10th Post of Christmas I'm going to share with thee...
Baking with my Auntie!!!

Hello my you thought I forgots about day, no, no...I was just waiting for Auntie Yvette to come visit so we could start baking!!! And baking we did...cookies and breads oh my!!! One thing that was mysteriously missing from the cooking agenda...doggie treats. Maybe they will be doing those later to surprise me!!!

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I also hear there will be the baking of the cheesycake and maybe brownies too for tomorrow!!!


6 Responses to "Day 10"

Emily and Ike said... 7:15 PM

Aw man! My mom hasn't baked anything!

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said... 7:39 PM

My mom khlaims she's going to make shortbread tomorrow!

We'll see if she does!


Mack said... 4:04 AM

Ruby, all my mom has made for Christmas is dressing! And it doesn't look very dog friendly!!

My auntie Karen usually makes the desserts, and I better get some this year!

Woof ya!

Gus said... 7:08 AM

wooo...we would like to join in the baking of the cheesecake. Sometimes we get a smidgen of ricotta when muzzer bakes one for dad.


Lorenza said... 10:08 AM

Hi, Ruby!
I can see a happy cooking in your house!
Kisses and hugs

Duke said... 3:42 PM

Our mom has been baking up a storm too, Ruby! Isn't it great to lick the spoon?!
Merry Christmas to you and your mom!

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch