I got 2 wonderful surprises so far this weekend and I've been told there are more to come this week - W00t!!!
1) Mom told me she's home ALL WEEK!!!! Can you believe it? I know I hardly can...she's been working so hard lately that she really deserves this and SO DO I!!!! Maximum snuggle time here we come!
2) Next surprise was that Auntie Yvette came to visit me yesterday!!!! I haven't seen her for over a week! I just loves it when she comes over and gives me my belly rubs.
So I guess surprise # 3 is coming later today and then there will be more this week....OMD, I can hardly wait...I wonder what they will be? I better go nap (and dream lots of pawsitive thoughts for Snickers) and rest up for the rest of my surprises!!!! Happy Sleepy Sunday friends!!!!
Hey beautiful Rubes!!
You are SO lucky your momma is gonna be with you all week!
Maybe one of the surprises is turkey & dressing??
Woof ya,
Your Macky
wow, all week. That is a dream come true, You are so lucky. Hope you get lots of belly rubs ALL DAY!
Balboa :)