Sunday, November 22, 2009

I hate to bark good-byes to my good friends. Especially a friend as bootiful as you sweet Snickers. We will meet again one day. Run free and be happy...I love you!

Butchy, Mama & Papa Lamb and Ruby, Scuby & Sylvester...are thoughts and prayers are with you during this tough time. We are here for you---always.

Love Ruby & Michele


8 Responses to " "

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said... 10:08 AM

Yep, as we just pawed to Joey and Tanner, Unkhle Tupelo pawed not furever, just fur now...


Duke said... 10:21 AM

We are so very sad, Ruby.

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

The Army of Four said... 10:51 AM

Such sad news....

Gus said... 11:50 AM

We are pretty sad around here too, but it is so nice to see the memories other people have of her, and share them.


Asta said... 12:28 PM


Snickers left us wif so many wondewful heawt is soo sad,but I'm happy she no longew huwts..I know we'll all meet again some day
smoochie kisses

Mack said... 1:12 PM

Oh that is just so very sad. We are praying for her sweet family at this sad time.

Lorenza said... 1:49 PM

I am going to miss her a lot.
Take care

C.l.o.v.e.r. said... 4:12 PM

Oh we are so sad that Snickers has left us. She was such a brave strong girl - a real inspiration. We will all miss her so much!