Sleep Sunday #48

Sunday, November 01, 2009

Hey sorry for being MIA on internets was broken!!! I promise to come visit you all today. I hope you had a fun time and didn't get too scared. We had no kiddies visit this year! That could be because Mom was playing Scrooge McHalloweenie and turned off all the lights!'s another pix from my trip last week. I just LOVED that window seat...all mine, oodles of warm sunshine...and far enough away from the waters to not get wet (very important)! Hope you all have a great sleepy Sunday!


5 Responses to "Sleep Sunday #48"

Lorenza said... 9:55 AM

Hi, Ruby!
Glad you had a peaceful Halloween!
Happy Sleepy Sunday!
Kisses and hugs

Duke said... 11:08 AM

shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, don't tell anyone but our mom did the exact same thing with the lights here, Ruby! Heck, we only get 2-3 kids anyway but the dummy went and bought candy so guess who gets to eat it all? Not us!

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

Dexter said... 4:16 PM

Ha! My mom did that too (but didn't tell Master and he never noticed). She gets totally annoyed when the little goblins come to the door. Besides, we live on a dark street, so not many wandering around anyway.


Deefor said... 8:32 PM

Hi Ruby
We didn't do anything for Halloween either. Very peaceful. Nothing scary.

Mack said... 6:15 AM

We never have many trick-or-treaters, but we had more than usual this year, dang it! Lily & I get all riled up whenever we hear the door bell!

That is just the cutest pic of you! The fall colors are very becoming!

Woof ya,