
Wednesday, November 04, 2009

Some pictures of our's about time!!!

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What a fun trip...but way too short. I sure hope I get to go back again soon!!!

Also, Mom needs some help...she entered a cupcake contest and I told her I'd ask all my friends to vote for her. Unfortunately I wasn't able to taste test the cupcakes (they had chocolate on them), but they sure smelled yummy. You can vote by going here and selecting on the entry Five Million Dollars, a Good Looking Guy and a Puppy. Thanks so much!

And last but not least...if you haven't already visited...go see Eduardo the Snuggle Puggle. He's not feeling too good these days and he and his Momma need some lovin'. Get well soon Eduardo...we all love ya and need you back at work ;)


13 Responses to "Finally..."

The Army of Four said... 8:34 AM

Hi Ruby! Thanks for stopping by the blog! It's great to see you!
I just LOVED your pictures! I'll go vote for your mom's cupcakes... but could she please at LEAST give you an extra cookie or something? Please?
Thank you. :)

Mack said... 9:00 AM

My favoritest pic is the last one! Glad you and momma got some well deserved rest!

Noah the Airedale said... 9:23 AM

Great smilebox Ruby, the photos are gorgeous. Your lucky to have gone on holiday together. We're about to get locked up in jail...sigh.


Jake of Florida said... 11:17 AM

Well, as instructed, we voted -- and then got a music to our ears treat with Sting's song!!!

Can we vote more than once???

Jake and Just Harry

Asta said... 3:25 PM

Bootiful Pictoowes
Mommi wemembews some lovely places like that fwom when she lived in Ca and went up the favowite of couwse was seeing you look so happy by the sea and the snoozing in the sun.
I went and voted fow youw Mom..YUMMMMM!
hope she wins
smoochie kisses

Duke said... 3:44 PM

What a beautiful spot, Ruby! It looks so relaxing! You look so happy to be on the beach!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Tucker said... 5:03 PM

Rub rub rub... there is that better? You look very content to be on that beach and your momma looks happy too.

Licks and wags...

Martha said... 8:10 PM

I voted for you! Looks like the vacay was fun. I hope you stayed out of the water - there are sharks in there that will EAT you. I refused to go into the ocean when we were at Canon Beach in Oregon. I knew they were just lying in wait to taste my Boston butt! Love, Martha

Lorenza said... 10:08 PM

Thanks for sharing the pictures of your vacation!
I voted too!
Kisses and hugs

Auntie Kelly said... 12:01 PM


Thanks for letting me hang out with you, your mommy, and Auntie Yvette...what a relaxing time. Your getting all grown up now with the car trip and staying away from home!

lotsa hugs,
Auntie Kelly

Emily and Ike said... 9:58 AM

What an amazing vacay!

Jonathan said... 5:15 PM

Hi Nice Blog Ruby Good Pictures =)

Bella the Boxer said... 6:18 PM

Oh, you lucky dog! Sea Ranch is so byoo-tiful! I really like your pink halter, too.

xoxo - Bella