Like my Mom, I've inherited the gossip gene and love, love, love to read cele-u-dog gossip. My favorite site is:
And today they are reporting that a new arrival in the White House is imminent! This is cool...EXCEPT it's sounding like it won't be this guy...

Which is pretty disappointing, sincle I was looking forward to a staying in the Lincoln Bedroom and a romping on the Presidential jungle gym. Hey Walls, what do you think, maybe you could sport some dreads or maybe a perm???

With ow without dweads..Wally woud be pawfect!
But even pwesidents can't be lucky enuff to have him..thewe is only one!
smoochie kisses
Hi Ruby! I can't wait to see the new First Dog, although I do wish it was one of our pals.
I was just watching your little scrolling thingie at the top of your bloggie. You were the cutest puppy ever!!!!
Wally clearly would have been the best choice for the first family's pet! Can you just see him sitting in a chair next to President Obama in the Oval Office?!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
I think Wally would be a great first dog. He's very presidentialish!
Your Macky
Oh gee, I don't think the wig is working for him. BOL!
Butt sniffs,
Solid Gold Dancer
I can't believe they haven't come and snatched him up yet
Can't wait to see who's going to the White House!
I think Wally would be too much for them to handle. But he does look fetching in dreadlocks.
Hi, Ruby!
It is too bad Wally won't be the First Dog but I am sure his Ma Ape would not let him be!
Kisses and hugs
..and I LIKE Wally!