
Thursday, April 30, 2009

OMD I have just been so busy...between working for the Snuggle Puggle, and being a nursie I've had to prepare AireRuby for the big event tomorrow.  First off, AireRuby wouldn't be complete without a quick rinse...

I was a little worried at first, but it will wash right off after the event!!!

Next, I needed to find a suitable beverage.  Of course my first thought was to go to the Drink-Mistress, Lacie, but I changed my mind...I mean Lacie, I love you girl, but you do have a bit of a reputation and this is supposed to be a very refined event.  So here's what I found...and don't worry, there aren't any grape products in this...remember, us doggies shouldn't be eating grapes!

And finally, I needed to make sure the flowers had arrived, the banner was hung correctly, the cake didn't fall over and just do all the decorating and tidying up.  Thank doggness my Macky offered to help me!  

Looks smashing, doesn't it?  OK, I must go...the snackies are about to arrive.  I'll be taking off as soon as I get the snackie put away to pick up the bootiful bride and her lovely Maid of Honor.  So keep a look out for me and remember, we've got quite a few kitties on board so let's all try and get along!


17 Responses to "Preparations"

Kelly said... 8:32 AM

Oh RUBY! I am so excitedddd! I am already standin' on my roof waitin' for ya!!!!

Mack said... 8:57 AM

Oh Rubykins,
You have really outdone yourself! Aire Ruby is more beautiful than I've ever seen it.
Between the deocrating, nursing,snug-puggling and baking I know you are one tired little lady!

Can't wait to see my beautiful Boston babe tomorrow!

Lucia said... 10:44 AM

Ciao bella Ruby!

Bellissima! You did an outstanding job with the AireRuby decor and all of the flight preparations! I am in utter pawe at what a multi-talented girl you are!

Tanti baci!

Petra said... 11:27 AM

Woooooooooooooooo! Everything looks just PERFECT, Ruby! I'm so excited I can't sit still for a minute.

Sunny,Scooter, (sometimes Jamie) said... 11:40 AM

Hey Ruby! We haven't visited in soo long, It is great to see you. We hope we are nt too late, but Asta invited myself and Scoter to the wedding!!!!!I am back to my old self andScooter is chomping at the bit. (Espescially since he saw Ptra was going!) I am so looking forward to seeing everyone(and particularly Stannybaby!) We have missed everyone.
See you tomorrow!! We'll be waiting!!! Thank you Ms Wonder(ful) Ruby!!!(Oh yeah, Scooter says if you need a break from flying, he'll take over for you.As goofy as he may seem, the boy can fly a plane!)

Asta said... 12:04 PM

It's magnificent!!!
I just don't know how you do it. I hope youw Mom is bettew wif all youw pawfect nuwsing.
That dwinkie is soo gowgeous, and the flowews and all youw pwepawations. I can't believe how pawfect the plane looks ..Myrna is beside hewself wif Joy. You awe the bestest fwiend . Thank you so much. I hope Stan and Mackie cn wub youw feeties and tummy and help you welax and weenewgise. I don't want you to ovewtiwe youwself. You have to have fun on this twip too
smoochie kisses

Zeus said... 4:04 PM

Wow, Ruby! That looks amazing. I wish I had my own airplane. I especially love the color scheme. Great choice!

Duke said... 4:24 PM

AireRuby looks just beautiful, Ruby! Myrna and Asta are going to flip when they board!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Gus said... 4:41 PM

Oh Ruby, you and Mack have done a beautiful job.

see you soon

gussie d me a dance please?


Scruffy, Lacie and Stanley's Place said... 6:16 PM

Oh Ruby...I appreciate you takin' care of the drinkies for the flight...I mean the last time we did have those pesky blender issues and well we wouldn't want the Wheelies wheelin' amok through the Aisle of Aire Ruby and possibly bumpin' their axels or somethin'....

Besides this gives me time to set up a fund raiser for Homeless Pups and Kitties....

Yes, I decided to have a Kissin' Booth on the flight over. Who is everyone gonna be kissin'? Um...Moi, of course....don't worry I did bring plenty of chappie stick this time. All donations will go directly to rescue and not to my blender fund.

If you could have the boyz form a line, I'd apprecitate it...also please let everyone know that my booth is NOT THE RESTROOM....that would be just like GROOOOSSSSSSS!!!

BARKIES....or should I say KISSIES...


Lorenza said... 9:20 PM

Hi, Ruby!
Pawesome job! I am sure everything is going to be perfect!
Kisses and hugs

Rocky Creek Scotties and Rocky Creek Ramblings said... 2:55 AM

Absolutely Pawsome.

Lilly, Piper, Carrleigh and Java

Moco said... 3:51 AM

This is truly going to be the wedding of the decade. You have really done your part.

Anonymous said... 4:33 AM

It looks beautiful!

See ya!
Joey and Zeke

Kelli said... 12:53 PM

Hi Ruby!
Your plane looks lovely and I am sure it will make Myrna and Gilbert's day spectacular!
:) Tibby

Gus, Louie and Callie said... 2:54 PM

Everything looks just awesome Ruby..

Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie

Eric said... 3:27 PM

Aire Ruby looked magnificent!! Lovely and lilacy. Myrna was over the moon...crickey I didn't realise you flew that high but what a smmmoooth flight. Thanks so much for picking me up at Theifrow amongst the lost luggage.

Wiry wags, Eric xxx