On the Job...

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Well, I'm back to work this week...and boy did I have an important job...Keeping Jakey safe in the water! And I don't even like going in the water!!! What a pupgirl must do!!! Well, Jake did fine and so did I. Jake is one cool people pup. I've got lots to tell you about, but I'm really busy...I'm also taking care of a sick Mom.  Oh, the work just never ends.


19 Responses to "On the Job..."

Gus said... 7:32 AM

Ruby...what a brave doggie! You are doin' a good job, now go take care of your mom and get her better soonest


Petra said... 7:32 AM

What a cute picture of you and Jakey! He was so lucky that you were on life guard duty, Ruby.

I hope your mom feels better very soon.

The WriggleButts said... 8:05 AM

What a fun picture! You have good work ethics, Ruby! Take good care of your mom and give her some kisses and sneezes from me!


Kelly said... 8:17 AM

Oh Ruby! What would Jakey have done without your supervision?

You look like those lifeguards on Baywatch. What a vision!

Asta said... 9:47 AM

I know they couldn't possibly make it wifout you. good job sweetie
smoochie kisses

Auntie Kelly said... 10:20 AM

Thanks for keepin' my Jakey safe! We had lots of fun givin' you tons of belly rubs. Please take good care of your mommy and make sure she gets better fast!
Auntie Kelly and Jakey

Eric said... 10:40 AM

Ruby. You're far better looking than those baywatch leggededs. Nice job with the caretaking that very cute Jake boy. Look after Mom too.

Wiry wags, Eric xx

Heather and Pumpkin said... 5:08 PM

I approve of any occupation that lets you work on your tan.


Lorenza said... 7:34 PM

Hi, Ruby!
Good job watching Jakey!
I hope your mom gets better soon!
Kisses and hugs

Mack said... 3:31 AM

You need a raise!!

Amber-Mae said... 1:44 PM

You're such a good lifeguard girl!

Solid Gold Dancer

Huskee and Hershey said... 8:27 PM

Hi Ruby,
Jakey will be very safe under your watchful eye!

Moco said... 9:13 PM

That human pup was very lucky to have you on guard.

Bella the Boxer said... 9:27 PM

That's very important work, Ruby. Take good care of your Mom, too!

xoxo - Bella

Zeus said... 6:04 AM

This is my first time to your blog, and I came here by way of Lorenza.

I'm hoping by adding you to my bloglist, I can visit more often. Perhaps you can give me tips on how to deal with my new brother...err...I mean, terrorist. You seem to know what you're talking about by the looks of things.

Good work on guarding the kid in the pool. You did a fantastic job!

Asta said... 10:09 AM


Don't wowwy sweet fwiend, I aweady have you dwessed. You look wondewful. Thank you fow outfitting the plane. You'we the best
smoochie kisses

Clover said... 3:32 PM

Hi Ruby!
I can see that you did a great job as a lifeguard. Little Jakey is SO cute!
Love Clover xo

Marvin -The Hollow Hound said... 10:58 PM

oh your poor sick Mum, I hope she gets better real soon.

Dear Ruby, we love, love, love, the photo of you with Jake! Cool!!

Sorry we been lax in commenting, trying to get back up to speed now.

lots of love, Marvin and Jeannie in Sunny Scotland xxxxxxxxxxx

Duke said... 1:52 AM

We can tell that you're taking your lifeguard duties very seriously, Ruby! Great job! We hope this earns you and extra cookie or two!

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch