Sleep Sunday #15

Sunday, April 19, 2009



13 Responses to "Sleep Sunday #15"

Mack said... 7:40 AM

Are you about to sneeze??

Well then God Bless You!

Have a great Napsday, Ms Bleu!

Bijou said... 8:29 AM

Hi Ruby,

Sure, napping in the sun is a great way to spend a lazy day.

Wags & wiggles,

Lorenza said... 9:44 AM

Hi, Ruby!
Happy sleepy and sunny sunday!
Kisses and hugs

Anonymous said... 10:34 AM

Hey Ruby,

Book Opal, Harley & me for the wedding of the year.

Hugs, bellyrubs, smoochies


Asta said... 1:06 PM

Awe you suwe you'we not just sunbathing?
smoochie kisses

Kelly said... 7:27 AM

hehehe Oh Ruby, that one made me giggle! Kind of looks like you're grinning!

Auntie Kelly said... 8:17 AM

I think you were smiling at Jakey, right?! Thanks for playing with Jake and me this weekend, Ruby. I hope we gave you enough belly rubs to last you 'til our next visit!

Auntie Kelly

Clover said... 9:18 AM

Hi Ruby!
What a sweet picture! I can see that you are really enjoying the beautiful weather!
Love Clover xo

Fred said... 1:27 PM

Wonderful picture!

Petra said... 2:10 PM

It looks like you're having fun, Ruby! Are you playing with Jakey?

The Cat Realm said... 9:24 PM

You look FAB!!!
Are we in time - can we still make reservations for Myrna and Gilbert's wedding in Salzburg?
We would be 6 cats:
Me and my husband Ruis, Mrs. OZ, Tintin, Notty and Luna.
Is that o.k.? We need a roundtrip from Tucson for 5, and a pick up of Ruis in Limburg....

Emily and Ike said... 9:30 PM


Duke said... 2:02 AM

You look so happy to be sunbathing, Ruby! Are you singing?

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch