Sleepy Sunday - the last of 2008

Sunday, December 28, 2008

Is that even possible my pups? This is the last Sleepy Sunday of 2008!!! OMD it's hard to believe...but don't you worry, there will be many more Sleepy Sunday's in 2009 - W00t!

I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas...I did...lots of prezzies, lots of snackies, lots of love...exactly how it should be! I'll be back tomorrow for the prezzie roundup...but until then, I must nap!

Do you like my bandanananana??? Auntie Kathy gave it to me for Christmas...I just love it!


19 Responses to "Sleepy Sunday - the last of 2008"

Anonymous said... 7:26 AM

I love your banannas, ooooops, sorry, Bandanas, I was a wee bit hungry when I wrote this comment!

Here is to many more sleepy snoozy Sundays Ruby!

love and licks, and all good wishes for a "guid new year" as we say here in these frozen parts!

Lang may yer lum will have to ask my Jeannie for a translation........

Marvin xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

and Jeannie xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Anonymous said... 7:27 AM

oh and may you have many more Woots!

Eduardo said... 9:01 AM

Sleep well sweet Ruby!
Hugs & Snugs
Eduardo the Snuggle Puggle

Joe Stains said... 9:09 AM

The bandana looks great!! Thanks for so many wonderful sleepy Sundays!

Lorenza said... 10:54 AM

Hi, Ruby!
Your last Sleepy Sunday picture of the year its really according to the holidays!
Your bandana is pawesome!
Kisses and hugs

Peanut said... 12:27 PM

It is hard to believe the year is almost at an end. Sleep well my friend

Duke said... 3:27 PM

We love your bandana, Ruby! It looks just beautiful on you! Rest up!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Mack said... 3:48 PM

Yes, time surely flies, doesn't it my beautiful?

Can't wait for your sleepy Sundays in 2009!

Woof ya,

Poppy said... 5:11 PM

Your bandananana is great--very seasonal! I hope you had a great Christmas full of fun!


Noah the Airedale said... 11:19 PM

Oh what a festive bandanana Ruby. No wonder you love it. It really suits you.
We look forward to many more Sleepy Sundays in 2009.

Noah x

The WriggleButts said... 4:46 AM

I wish you a peaceful and sleepy 2009 ;)


Kelly said... 7:42 AM

Ruby Dooby! That banana... bananda... er.... necklace is PAWESOME!

Petra said... 2:22 PM

Gorgeous bandannnnanannana, Ruby! You're doing what I'm doing...napping, napping, napping!

Emily and Ike said... 9:10 PM

I love your bandanna!

Stanley said... 11:16 PM

Ruby Bug!

Your bananadana is pawsitively gorgeous on you... but then again, isn't everything?!

Sleep well, my little bug. You should seriously consider putting out a "Best of Sleepy Sundays" calendar or something.

Goober love & smooches,

Huskee and Hershey said... 1:47 AM

You have a great bandanananana Ruby!!
Glad you had a fun time over Christmas and looking forward to more Sleepy Sundays in 2009!

Amber-Mae said... 9:04 AM

I think your bandanna is NICE! Yeap, today is the last day for 2008. I can't believe the days went by so fast! We gotta celebrate tonight! I am gonna wear my clown wig. Oh yeah bebe! Let's do the countdown!

Have a wonderful Happy New Year!

Butt wiggles,
Solid Gold Dancer

Snowball said... 7:31 PM

Happy New Year, Ruby.


Simba and Jazzi said... 12:13 AM

I'm finally back from rehab and blogging again. Happy new year.

Simba x