My Howliday Cards - W00t !!!
And dawg are there a lot of them! I get so excited each morning to walk to the mailbox to see what's arrived!!! And all the pictures and cards are just so much fun - W00t!!! Anyhowl, I asked Mom to try and come up with a good way to show them off. Remember what she did last year???

Mom says she knows what she wants to do with the space, but of course she hasn't gotten around to it yet. All I know is that whatever she decides to do it had better include me - W00t!
So guess what we did...we put all the cards in there!!!! Take a look...
Fun, huh? Here are some close-ups...can you find your card???
Even Bernard sent me a card...with his new sister!!!
And you know what...this isn't even all of the cards either!!! Mom still needs to print out all my e-cards...You know, I might actually run out of space!!!
What do you think? I think it's great because at least we don't have a silly empty wall anymore. But I think I'll keep the cards up until Mom shows me proof she has a suitable alternative - hee hee hee!!!
Thanks again for thinking of us...all these cards make both of us so happy!!!! You are such great friends...we love you all so much!!
Thanks again for thinking of us...all these cards make both of us so happy!!!! You are such great friends...we love you all so much!!
That is the MOST COOLEST WALL IN THE HALL EVER! I love it! Did you get my e-card?
Hugs & Snugs
Eduardo the Snuggle Puggle
that is SO cool!!! We wish we'd had time to participate in some of the card exchanges, but we really enjoyed looking at yours!!
Ruby! Your wall looks so good!! Did you get my card? I didn't see it there!
And guess what, your mom's favourite Christmas thing (from her meme yesterday) is one of my mom's favourite things too! Haha!
Love Clover xo
P.S. I love the little characters in your "days of Chrsitmas" banner!
you can leave them up all year long.
Woo Ruby... or should I saw WOOT WOOT! We are giving woo an award AND tagging woo. Check our blog out!
That is a pawsome collage your mom made! Way to decorate the wall in the hall ;)
Since I was adopted so close to Xmas, we didn't do any cards this year mom said. But next year you'll def get a card from us!
Oh, and mom said she saw her card from last year on the first pic :)
Wow!! That is a cool wall card hanger thingy!
I think you should keep up all the cards ALL YEAR LONG!
Love & Licks,
You should probably get my card today, precious.
I'm with Peanut - you should leave the cards up all year long!
That's the perfect place for your cards, and I would leave them up year-round!
That's the perfect place for your cards, and I would leave them up year-round!
What a perfect spot to display all of your Christmas cards, Ruby! We don't see ours yet! It's on the way!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Hi, Ruby!
You had a pawesome idea! All the cards look framed!
Glad you got mine!
Take care
Kisses and hugs
Ruby Bug!
LOVE the Christmas card display. And, you know, it's still missing at least one more card since my LAZY STINKIN' GIRL (whom I love) still hasn't mailed out our cards yet. So, eventually...
I need to go by to see the Mackster. I can't believe he's already been blogging for a year. He probably thinks I don't care for him any more, but it just gets back to the hoogirl & her stinkin' laziness. We'll go by to congratulate him!
You also reminded me that I want to go by and check on Bernard. I haven't stopped by for a little while. I'm so glad he's back to blogging!
Goober love & smooches,
I see me! I think your cards should stay there all year. They look great.
Simba x
That is the best idea! Seriously, I'm going to have to bring that up with the female of the house. And we saw our card!
Merry Christmas!
Shelly & Tommy
that looks SO perfect! She should totally just leave that up year round!!