Day 1

Sunday, December 14, 2008


Yes my pup friends, it's that time of year again...time for me to test the boundaries of my Mom's dedication to my me and my bloggy... It's that glorious time for holiday fun, snackies and belly's...

The 12 Posts of Christmas - W00t!!!

So without further ado...uuuuummmmm...just clearing my throat a little....

On the first post of Christmas I'm going to share with thee...

It's it's a sleepy pix of me!!!!

Just because it's Christmas, it's still Sunday so out of the archives is me with my favorite holiday blankie. Hey Mom, can you hurry up and dig out my holiday blankie already???

PS - I want to wish my sissy Sophia a big 'Get Well Soon'...she had to go to the V.E.T because she's got a broken butt and now has to wear a cone till Thursday! Poor Sophia...feel better Sis.



13 Responses to "Day 1"

Katy said... 9:40 AM

A broken butt? Oh,no! I was gonna say "that stinks" but that's just too funny :)

I've been hanging out in bed all day, too, but mostly because mom's being lazy!

Anonymous said... 11:26 AM

oh how i wish i cud cuddle in a blanket just like that! mom is dragging me here and there today in the rain! :(


visit me at mommy's blog.

The WriggleButts said... 12:43 PM

Broken butt?? :O You look rather comfy, though!


Mack said... 1:12 PM

Oh I do love your 12 days of Christmas!

Hope you are getting in a lot of good naps!

Lorenza said... 1:31 PM

Hi, Ruby!
Happy 12 Chritmas posts!
I hope Sophia gets well soon!
Take care
Kisses and hugs

Dexter said... 1:48 PM

Your mom is very brave. Maybe she doesn't need too much sneep this time of year? I look forward to the countdown.


Clover said... 3:01 PM

Hi Ruby,
Sorry to hear about your sissy's butt. Hope she feels better soon!!
And I love that sleepy sunday pic!
Love Clover xo

Randi said... 3:12 PM

Yeah Ruby! Can't wait to see the next 11 posts!

love & licks,

Peanut said... 4:13 PM

Seeing you 12 days in a row is a great present for us. We hope your sissy's butt is better soon.

Duke said... 5:01 PM

We love your 12 days till Christmas countdown, Ruby!
We hope your sissy's butt heals quickly!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Joe Stains said... 11:21 PM

what a cute photo of you with that festive blankie! I need one of those too!

Noah the Airedale said... 2:17 AM

Crikey how does one break a butt....hope Sophia is ok.

You look so sleepy and dreamy Ruby. Hmmm think I'll take a nap now.

We got your card today.....W00t!!

Noah x

Petra said... 10:29 AM

Beautiful cuddly Ruby!