A blast from the past only new?!?!

Saturday, December 13, 2008

So what am I barking about with that subject??? Well, I was pleasantly surprised this morning with a new visitor to my bloggy. His name is Charlie. He is a very handsome puggle (don't worry Mack and Stanny, he's just a friend). And he owns my old BFFs family now!

Those of you might remember my BFF Suki. Oh how I have missed her. She and her brother Joey now live with a very nice family in Miami. Heck, if I know Suki, she's hanging out on the beach every day - BOL!!! Anyhowl, the family has missed having a pup and that's how Charlie came to live with them.

Make sure you swing by and say hi to Charlie at his new bloggy and welcome back Katy and the girls!!! Katy, Yesenia and Ava...me and Mom have missed you so much and are so glad you were able to open your heart and home to Charlie!!!


8 Responses to "A blast from the past only new?!?!"

Randi said... 8:19 PM

Hi Ruby... I sure miss Suki & Joey too...I didnt know they moved to Miami...& if I know Suki...she's in a littl bikini on the beach everyday!

Glad Charlie had founded a wonderful family to own!

Love & Licks,

Katy said... 11:11 PM

Thank you sooo much, Ruby! And mom says thank you, too :)

Oh, and even though I never met Suki, mom says yeah, she's probly on south beach in a purple bikini, drinking a margarita and getting some sun ;)

Amber-Mae said... 8:56 AM

Oh we missed Suki & Joey so much & their family too. I didn't know they have moved either. I will pop by Charlie's blog right in a jiffy!

Butt wiggles,
Solid Gold Dancer

Joe Stains said... 9:41 AM

How cool, we will head on over!

Mack said... 1:08 PM

Well, I'm only just a tad jealous, but I will definitely go say hello!!

Duke said... 5:04 PM

Thanks for the news on Suki and Joey, Ruby! We sure do miss them! We're on our way to say hi to Charlie!

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

Mr. Puggle® said... 6:54 AM

I visited his blog. Us Puggles have to stick together. I am Mr. Puggle and have a store just for Puggle Stuff.

You can send Charlie a Puggle Christmas Gift.


I can even make one just for your dog if you email me a high res pic.

Happy Holidays! Mr. Puggle

Sunny,Scooter, (sometimes Jamie) said... 12:21 PM

Thanks Ruby! We had missed Suki and Joey. Now we'll go meet Charlie.
We think Suki is lounging around on the beach too! hah