On the sixth post of Christmas I'm going to share with thee...
my neighborhood being merry!

Wow...day six already. My how the time flies! I sure hope you are enjoying the posts. I'm rather impressed that my secretary, um I mean Mom, has been able to keep up. She's been buzzing around like a little bee the last few nights getting the house all cleaned and decorated. She's been very secretive of late...she won't let me into the office any longer...hmmmm. Oh and she made up the guest bedroom too...wonder what is going on???
Anyhowl the other night Mom and I decided to take stroll around the new 'hood to check out the howliday decorations....
Are you ready Mom???
You can see all the pretty decorated Christmas trees in the windows...all except for ours!
I'm really not sure who Noel is, but there won't be any problem for Santa Paws to find their house, huh?
Speaking of the big guy...I also ran into him, but he was a little preoccupied with that list that he's got so we didn't chat.
Santa was hanging with this guy, but he wasn't talking either! What's up with that???
We walked a little further and some how magically we ran into Frosty again...the strange thing was he gots bigger????
Oh, and he had some friends with him...in fact, there were lots of these little creatures all over the place. They all were very glowy...some were even moving!
I've never seen these creatures around before...they were actually a little scawie!
These were my Mom's favorite lights...they were blue icicles and snowflakes!
Now you pups might be asking yourself...what about my house. Well, here it is...
That's right...we have nothing...nada! I guess it is just as well. My Mom on a ladder...well, that would be scawier than those glowy creatures we saw!
Well, I hope you enjoyed our little neighborhood tour! Hey, what about your neighborhood???
What a pretty neighborhood you live in, Ruby! And your house is bootiful, even if there aren't and decorations up outside!
I was actually thinking of doing a neighborhood post, too, so thanks for the motivation. I'll get on it! :)
Oh, and if Santa can't find Noel's house, he probably needs stronger glasses, huh? hehe!
Ruby, your neighborhood is so pretty! So is your house!
We are the 'bah humbug' house on our block, too. All we have is a wreath on the door! We really love Christmas... but my Momma is just, uhh... lazy.
Aww Ruby! Thanks for spreading the holiday spirit! Loved all the pics!
love & licks,
The walk around your neighborhood was fun, Ruby! Thanks for taking all of those pictures of the pretty Christmas lights. I hope I can talk Motch into touring our neighborhood, too.
With your beautiful Christmas cards hanging inside your house, who needs decorations on the outside?!
Hi Ruby!
Great pictures of your neighbourhood! It is very pretty! I like seeing all those places with beautiful green grass - so different than what I am used to!
Love Clover xo
P.S. Good job to your Mom on getting all these posts up; I am really enjoying them!
Nice photos Ruby. That's a booti-ful neighbourhood!
Your neighborhood is very festive. Mom didn't put lights on the house either because she knew she would most likely hurt herself
What a beautiful & festive neighborhood you live in -
BTW, I think your brown harness and leash look just awesome with your brown highlights!
Whoa, I've been gone for a while! I didn't even know you were doing this 12 days of Christmas thing until now. But now I remember you did it last year, too!
Those holiday decorations are beautiful. My favorites are all those reindeer!
I hope you have a grrrrEAT weekend! Happy Holidays!
Mom loves Christmas Lights more than anything! Thanks for sharing these!
Hi, Ruby!
Thanks for the tour for your neighborhood! The decorations are beautiful!
Kisses and hugs
Ruby Bug!
Thanks for dragging your mama around the neighborhood so we could see all the cool lights and decos. Our neighborhood has gone green this year and hardly anyone has put up lights.
But, I DID find Santa Paws stowed away in our garage... and he had this long electrical cord coming out of his shoe. What's UP?
Goober love & smooches,
Nice pictures ! One of you neighbour is french because Noël means Christmas in french !
Joyeux Noël = Merry Christmas
Kisses, Faya
Your neighborhood looks beautiful, Ruby!
We love all the lights!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Some pawsome decorations in your neighbourhood, Ruby! If people left those huge Christmas ornaments out in their gardens round here, someone would pinch them!
BTW, thanks for your lovely card, which arrived yesterday! J x