Welcome to the Family

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

So you pups know my Nanny and her wheelie pug Opal, right? Well, Opal got a real-life puggy sister today named Pearl! Here she is...
Isn't she just the cuterest??? And she looks good in pink too...my kinda girl! Nanny adopted her from a family who couldn't keep her anymore. She was a little nervous today, but Nanny and Opal are really really excited and taking very good care of her to make her welcome!!! W00t! Pearl hasn't met my sissy Sophia yet...they are going to wait a few days so that Pearl can settle in, but I'm sure they will be BFFs in no time. I have to say, I'm just a little jellyfish!

Welcome to the family Pearl. Everypup...make sure you go visit Pearl and say hi!!!


25 Responses to "Welcome to the Family"

Mack said... 3:05 PM

I just hope Opal's not too jealous!

I'll head over there and say hi!

Woot! A new sister-in-law! Er, I mean a new friendzee!

Your MackDaddy

Duke said... 3:36 PM

We just came from Opal's blog! Pearl is a real cutie and you're right - she does look pretty in pink!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Anonymous said... 3:39 PM

Thank You Ruby & Auntie Michele for the welcome, I am very sleepy so I will give you a bark later.
Also Thanks for sending your friends to say hello.

Puggy Kisses

Gus said... 4:42 PM

She does look cute in pink, but I still think you are cuterer.


Clover said... 6:33 PM

Hi Ruby!!
Congrats on your new aunt! She is super cute - I have to take this opportunity to FINALLY go say hi to Opal and your Nanny!! (Bad mom-helper.)
Love Clover xo

Asta said... 6:56 PM

Oh My DogRuby
That is the bestest news..I knew Nanny wanted a puggy giwl so much to keep Opal company..I am so vewy happy!!!
I'm going wight ovew to visit!
I hope you don't mind that ouw Stanny is coming with me to Iweland, he still loves you just as much!
smoochie kisses,Asta

Ferndoggle said... 7:02 PM

Yay! Pearl is a cutie! Welcome to the family.

We'll stop over & say Hey!

Sherman, Penny & Lola

Urban Smoothie Read said... 8:51 PM

congrates for the new addition

Moco said... 8:58 PM

Pearl is one lucky pup to be able to live with Opal and Nanny. She will have the time of her life.

Lorenza said... 9:53 PM

Hi, Ruby!
I am sure Pear will be happy with Nanny and Opal!
Kisses and hugs

Amber-Mae said... 11:02 PM

Oh, I'm gonna head over to her blog now!

Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer

Hammer said... 12:30 AM

Hi Ruby
Pearl sure is a little cutie and you're right .. she is very pretty in pink. I'll go over and say hello to Pearl and Opal now. It's good your Nanny adopted Pearl and gave her a furever home. We all need this.
Also, would you please reserve 6 places for Hobson, Rose, Powder Puff, Odie and me on Aire Ruby for the flight to Huskee and Baby's wedding tomorrow. We are all soooo excited.
Love from Hammer

Hammer said... 12:38 AM

Sorry, Ruby, my mum can't count .. there are only 5 of us flying with Aire Ruby. My mum sure is a worry.
Love from Hammer

Cassidy said... 2:27 AM

Aw, she be so cute! Me be going over to say hi now.

Cassidy x

Simba and Jazzi said... 2:42 AM

What a cute little pug. Such a lovely name too.

Simba x

Bella said... 3:45 AM

Oh she looks so fabulous & so wonderful for your Nanny to give her a home

Stanley said... 4:48 AM


Is Pearl gonna be your pug aunt? She's a very cute puggy girl, and she's lucky to be living with your Nanny!

Can't wait to see what she's like!

Goober love & smooches,

Petra said... 7:51 AM

Oh, Ruby Bleu, you're one lucky girl to have such a sweet looking addition to your family! You will probably have alot of adventures with Pearl!

Petra said... 7:51 AM

Oh, Ruby Bleu, you're one lucky girl to have such a sweet looking addition to your family! You will probably have alot of adventures with Pearl!

Emily and Ike said... 5:44 PM

Hi Pearl!

Joe Stains said... 8:37 PM

We were already over there and said Hi, how exciting for Opal and Pearl!

Girl Girl Hamster said... 9:05 PM

Pearl sure is cute. I'm sure she'll be a pawsome sissy to Opal

~ Girl girl

Noah the Airedale said... 1:59 AM

Good stuff Ruby. We're on our way to welcome Pearl.

Hugs and tail wags
Noah Willow Tess & Lucy

Amber-Mae said... 11:24 AM

Just wanted to let you know that I've changed my blog URL becoz some crackpot has been visiting my blog & leaving mean comments & we know who it is. Just click on my name & it will direct you there.

Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer

Laura said... 3:28 PM

she is pretty!
all the pugs that i've met have been awesome! i hope she is too!!