Sleepy Sunday #10

Sunday, March 30, 2008



16 Responses to "Sleepy Sunday #10"

Stanley said... 9:07 AM

Ruby Bug!!!

This, by FAR, is the BEST sleepy Sunday photo EVER! I love the close up of your whiskers. (Bet they tickle when you give smooches).

Goober love & tickly smooches,

Mack said... 9:52 AM

RBS? Is that you???

Have a great nap beautiful Ruby!!

PeeS: Your chin whiskers are making my heart beat fast !!!

Amber-Mae said... 10:17 AM

I like that one a lot!

Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer

Peanut said... 11:24 AM

what a cute nose.

Duke said... 11:31 AM

hehehehe Do you feel smooshed, Ruby?!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Lorenza said... 4:10 PM

Hi, Ruby!
That is a very artistic picture!
Have a great sunday!
Kisses and hugs

Niamh said... 5:00 PM

Hope you enjoyed your nap. What a great photo.

Your friend,

Maowbro said... 6:03 PM

Great pic!! Our Tai always sleeps with his nose pushed under the blanket or pillow (whatever he can find). Even in the steamy tropics, he has to keep his nose warm. ;-)

Myeo said... 7:59 PM

Are you hiding your eyes under the blankie?

Boy n Baby

Urban Smoothie Read said... 10:33 PM

nice whiskers...meow!

Huskee and Hershey said... 10:55 PM

I never thought whiskers can be so cute until I saw that pic!!

Btw I tagged you to play a game, check out my blog!

Cassidy said... 2:37 AM


We had a 2 hour walkies this morning, so we had a very sleepy Sunday afternoon!

Cassidy x

Girl Girl Hamster said... 2:50 AM

I see your cute nose Ruby

~ Girl girl

Clover said... 6:11 AM

Aw, Ruby! Cute sleepy Sunday pic! I liked looking at the cute pictures of Maddy in your last post. But I hope your mom made it up to you for leaving you on Friday.
Love Clover xo

Petra said... 7:21 AM

Is that you, Ruby? Is it just the picture, or do you have white whiskers on one side of your face and black on the other? sure are cute!

Moco said... 3:09 PM

Great nose shot.