Happy Barkday Joe!!!

Thursday, March 06, 2008

Ready - Set - Go...
It's Joey Palooza time - W00T!!!

Joe - I hope you have the bestest barkday ever filled with friendz, fun and most importantly FOOD!!!! Thanks for being my pal - you are an inspiration to dog bloggers EVERYWHERE!

Happy Barkday Joe!!! W00T!!!

Lots of Licks - Ruby


19 Responses to "Happy Barkday Joe!!!"

Mack said... 7:27 AM

Can you believe he is 9!?
He has the energy of a nine year old HUMAN !!!(judging by his latest video)!

Yes, we should all celebrate the first day of Joeypalooza.
It's Pawty time!!

Love ya,

Duke said... 8:30 AM

Happy barkday to Joey! This will be the pawty of all pawties! whoooohooooooooo

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Jessica said... 1:03 PM

Joe is the greatest. We just love him!!!

Maya and Kena said... 7:09 PM

Happy birthday to Joey!
Woof woof!
Wags and licks,
Maya and Kena

Lorenza said... 8:17 PM

Hi, Ruby!
Happy Birthday to Joey!
Yes, he is an inspiration for many of us!
Kisses and hugs

Stanley said... 8:59 PM


It's Joey Palooza time!! He's such an inspiration to all of us, and he's a great pal (who ALWAYS has great snacks).

You have honored him in a way befitting his dogness!

Goober love & smooches,

Joe Stains said... 9:15 PM

omdog, two woots in one post, I sure do rank!! ;) Thanks so much for the birthday tribute, what is a birthday without pawesome friends like you!

Girl Girl Hamster said... 11:33 PM

Yeah.. Happy birthday to Joey..

~ Girl girl

umekotyan said... 5:35 AM

Wonderful, and ..friend's joey.. toast.
ハッピーバースディ joey

from loved ume tyan

Petra said... 10:20 AM

Yes, happy birthday to Joey, who has the most beautiful eyes!

Moco said... 10:48 AM

Joey deserves all this attention. Where in the world would us terriers find such a EXCELLENT role model.

Petra said... 1:41 PM

Motch says thanks for letting her know that we are so much alike. She thinks there's hope for me afterall!

Emily and Ike said... 8:09 PM

Woot, woot!

Asta said... 9:41 PM

You know how to celebwate a fwiend in style! Woot!!!!
Youw joyous face is enough to make Joey know he's loved and celebwated.

I saw youw sweet Nanny today..she gave me belly wubs and we talked about you and wished you would come visit!
smoochie kisses,Asta

Scruffy, Lacie and Stanley's Place said... 11:22 PM

Hi Ruby...ah...Joey's barkday...makes our collective tummies growl just thinkin' bout all that food! Hey are ya going add a link for Huskee Boy's weddin' for Aire Ruby??? It's comin' right up isn't it? We need 3 seats...

Loved that pic of your bed u um did the surgery on...u and Babystan need to have a pawty...

Barkin' at ya...

Anonymous said... 4:59 AM

I sents Joey a Barkday wish he sore doesn't look nine, maybe twee.
I saw Asta & her mommi yesterday and we decided you could come visit, cause you is smaller than Asta and she is going to Roam in a couple of weeks for her pawrents anaversorry and she has a pawfect carrier that you woods fit in, so comes on and makes Mom visit me's, Nanny, Auntie Joey, Danny and your sissy Sophia, pwease, purty pwease.

Gus, Louie and Callie said... 7:01 AM

Happy belated Barkday Joey!!

Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus and Louie

Urban Smoothie Read said... 7:04 AM

happy bday to ur boy-friend..

Hammer said... 9:37 PM

Hi Ruby
You're lucky to have such a handsome boyfriend like Joe, and he is certainly an inspiration to dog bloggers EVERYWHERE !!
Love from Hammer