"Ruby, guess what, I'm going to stay home and hang out with you ALL DAY!"Imagine my surprise...and she wasn't even sick. Well she did mumble something about a "Mental Health Day", but I wasn't really sure what she was talking about. It didn't much matter because I had my Mom with me to just hang out and I L*O*V*E that.
So the day started out great...we walked, I ate my breakie, had my paws cleaned, took my medicine and we settled on my couch for a nappy. Well, I napped and Mom worked (hey, I thought you weren't going to work?). Anyhowl we did that for a good long while until the phone rang.
I didn't get much of the convo, but it was something about Granny E. being itchy and that Auntie Michele might need some help with Maddy. Well, all Granny E. needed to say was Maddy and Mom was up off the sofa (disturbing my nap BTW). So Mom fluttered about for a while, made a few phone calls, took a shower (thank dogness, she was a bit skanky at this point), got dressed and got me leashed up for a walkie... W00t! A walkie!
Well it was a short walkie that's for sure. Than Mom left! Yes, she left me! Gone! Bye-bye Ruby! And she was gone for a while too...and look what I found on the camera this morning...
Yep, that's Maddy alright...or at least I think that is who it is because I've not met her yet!!! Can you believe that?!?!?! I know my Mom visits her all the time because I can sniff my cuzins Bob and Cooper. But I've not met her yet, something about me being too bouncy and crazy and getting the 'boys' all wild. That is SO not fair!!!
Oh wait...look, more evidence...here's Cooper relaxing...

And more Maddy...geesh...poor kid Mom is scaring her I think...
When Mom got home I just ignored her. Well, she deserved it I think, this was supposed to be MY day. I guess Auntie Michele needed to go take care of some stuff with Bob and Cooper's horsey bro' Bailey and she needed someone to watch Maddy. Of course Mom jumped at the chance to spend some quality girly-girl time with Maddy! Hey, I'm a girly-girl...why couldn't I come?!?!?! So not fair! Heck, I can't believe Auntie Michele and Uncle Mark trusted her - LOL!!!
Anyhowl, Mom promises she's all mine this weekend...she better be telling the truth otherwise I might pee in her bed or something ;) I'll leave you with this last piece of evidence...ok, this is a cute one...
When Mom got home I just ignored her. Well, she deserved it I think, this was supposed to be MY day. I guess Auntie Michele needed to go take care of some stuff with Bob and Cooper's horsey bro' Bailey and she needed someone to watch Maddy. Of course Mom jumped at the chance to spend some quality girly-girl time with Maddy! Hey, I'm a girly-girl...why couldn't I come?!?!?! So not fair! Heck, I can't believe Auntie Michele and Uncle Mark trusted her - LOL!!!
Anyhowl, Mom promises she's all mine this weekend...she better be telling the truth otherwise I might pee in her bed or something ;) I'll leave you with this last piece of evidence...ok, this is a cute one...
I would say that the evidence is overwhelming. You were abandoned for a baby! Mom has a lot of make good treats to deliver for that one, you should have a GREAT weekend!
Use should have hopped into Aire Ruby and comes visited mes, I was in mys crate cause Nanny was working, we could have hung out with Sophia, just us girls.
Mady sore is cute,
Kiss Auntie Michele for mes if use is speakings to her.
Hugs, bellyrubs, smoochies
I wasn't thinking when I wrote to you.....I'm SO upset! I think I need you to fly Joey and Tanner in for a little detective work here in MN.
Where your parka its COLD.
What a bummer that you got left out of all the fun, Ruby!
Maddy is so precious!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Maddy is cute, but you are way cuter.
Hi, Ruby!
I am sure your mom has something special for you to do this weekend!
Enjoy your time with her.
Maddy sure is cute!
Kisses and hugs
Oh Ruby and Maddie, can't get much cuter than that.
so your mom promised to spend the day with you and then broke her promise? I think that deserves some pee in the bed right now.
I hope you get to meet Maddie soon. Babies smell delicious and when they get a bit bigger the drop lots of food on the floor.
Hope you have a good weekend with your mom.
Your friend,
that sure is a good looking human pup.
Two pretty girls!!!
Mucho sugars,
That baby has bubbles coming from her mouth...hmmm maybe it was best you stayed home Ruby. It's safer that way.
Hugs and tail wags
Noah Willow Tess & Lucy
Cute hooman pup, Ruby Bug! But, that's still NO EXCUSE for abandoning the cuterest girl around. I think we all need to have a little talk with your mama about her priorities.
Goober love & smooches,
Aw, Maddy be so gorgeous, me just wants to lick her nose!
Me hopes mummy be forgiven.
Cassidy x
That is one cute human pup! I can't believe how RUDE your Mom was, she is definitely in danger of being on the receiving end of a surprise stain!
That's a cute human pup there Ruby! But guess what! When The Mom goes over to Uncle Pat's to see his human pup, she won't take me because she says I'm too bouncy! I think we Bostons are getting a bad name!
Just wait for Maddy to grow up. She will be an automatde treat dispenser.
Boy n Baby
i'm not fascinated by my owner staying for the day.....coz i know i wouldn't have my sweet noon nap...
Maddy is beautiful! I can't wait to see pictures when you, Ruby Bleu, finally get to meet her!