Hoppy Easter!!!

Sunday, March 23, 2008


Me and my new friends Chickie and Hops wish you and your family a very Hoppy, oops I mean Happy Easter.

I'd like to bark a very special thank you for the wonderful Easter surprise from my Mack. He sent me my new friends as well as some WAY yummy snackies - W00t!

And just for you Mack...here I am giving Hops some special lovin'...


37 Responses to "Hoppy Easter!!!"

Harry said... 8:18 AM

Yikes, I'm not holding out for poor Hops surviving Easter!

Toodle pip
Harry x

Marvin -The Hollow Hound said... 8:33 AM

oh you are some fearsome pup Ruby Ruby Ruby.

and we loved to hear your Mama's very strict voice at the end of the vid.

love and many sad licks,

Your one time pal,

Marvin - please do not forget me, although I am blogless I am still keeping up with the news.


Persephone and Buster said... 8:50 AM

Awesome job of Bunny-Demolition! The Evil-Doer Wabbit will not threaten the household again. Key thing is to get 'em by the ears before they have a chance to multiply!

Have a great Easter!


Persephone & Buster

Duke said... 9:17 AM

What cool gifts from Mack! Not sure the bunny is going to make it till the end of the day though! hehehehe

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Lorenza said... 9:28 AM

Hi, Ruby!
Happy Easter to you and your mom!
You got very nice presents from Mack! And I can see how much you love Hops! Is he still alive?
Kisses and hugs

Niamh said... 9:37 AM

Wow! Great presents!. I think you should definitely rip them to pieces. That's what I do with mine.

Your friend,

Peanut said... 10:47 AM

Happy Easter. Is Hops dead yet?

Anonymous said... 12:18 PM

Is hops still hoppin? I don't think so from the looks of your video. Use and Auntie Michele haves a Happy Easter at Uncle Marks, give Maddy some smoochies from me and Nanny.
Hugs, bellyrubs, smoochies

Mack said... 1:35 PM

That's my Ruby girl! You're a true Boston!

Oh how I love to see my prettyness in action!!!

I'm glad you liked the stuff and I hope you are having a super Easter!

Mack, the Easter Boston

Moco said... 2:19 PM

That Mack sure knows how to treat a lady.
We can see that you are in full understanding of terriers and stuffies. Go girl!
Happy Easter to all of you.

Anonymous said... 2:35 PM

Wooo Ruby.... You got a stuffed bunny and duck... WOW! I like how you are smacking it around, ha rooo! Happy Easter sweet friend..

Maowbro said... 4:50 PM

And that is exactly why we don't give our Tai any stuffed friends... he'd have them completely dismembered in a matter of minutes. :-)
Happy Easter from Tai in Thailand.

Koobuss said... 7:03 PM

Happy Easter, Ruby!!

i hope you let that bunny live! He's got to come back next year. But I know how you feel. I like to get all the stuffing out as soon as I can.

Hope you had a good time.

Love and Koobuss Kisses,

Huskee and Hershey said... 12:34 AM

Chickie and Hops are cute.. but I think they'll be cuter once they have 'sploded'..

Princess Patches said... 5:18 AM

Ruby, you sure showed Hops that you are the boss! Did he survive the whole day...or is he already de-stuffed?

Poppy & Penny

Clover said... 7:34 AM

Hi Ruby!
Happy Easter! Your new friends are super cute!
Hope your angry paws are getting better quickly...
Love Clover xo

Martha said... 8:33 AM

Mack sure does love you. I liked how you gave that rabbit what-for. Love, Martha

Emily and Ike said... 9:00 AM

I think Hops will have a very short life.

Ike's mom here - try some bitter apple spray on Ruby's feet - might get her to stop licking.

Juno said... 11:07 AM

Hello Ruby!
Happy Easter Monday to you and your family!! :)

Momo & Pinot

Petra said... 12:46 PM

It looks like you had a hoppy happy Easter, Mack!

wally said... 4:46 PM

Wooo! You sure do know how to show that Hops who's boss! Well done. That Mack is a stand-up fellow.


Ralph said... 5:18 PM

Happy Easter! I'm glad you told that bunny a thing or two


pee-s: please visit my blog to vote for me so I can win the Bissell MVP contest!!!

Joe Stains said... 7:46 PM

You really were giving that little hopper some SERIOUS loving! good job!

Asta said... 8:24 PM

It's gweat to see you in action!!Hops and chickie awe fabulous pwesents..what a sweetie Mack is..I'm glad you had a Happy Eastew
smoochie kisses

Bella the Boxer said... 8:32 PM

Happy Belated Easter, Ruby! Your friends hops & chickie are super cute, just like you. I was waiting for the Easter Bunny to come and visit me, but there was a big 'ole raccoon in the backyard on Sunday morning and I think he scared the Easter Bunny away (he scared me, too, with his big sharp claws. If you ever see a raccoon, Ruby, run away fast!)

xoxo - Bella

Maya and Kena said... 8:34 PM

Happy Easter Ruby!!
What a cute video of you and Hops!! Hee hee!
Wags and licks,
Maya and Kena

Amber-Mae said... 10:37 PM

Happy Easter to you too!

Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer

Girl Girl Hamster said... 1:41 AM

You sure have cute easter friends to celebrate Easter with

~ Girl girl

Myeo said... 2:09 AM

Happy Easter, Ruby!

Boy n Baby

Sophie Brador said... 10:01 AM

Hey Rubes, I used to have a Hops. I wonder what ever happened to him. Haven't seen him in months. My mom says that your mom is right about The Wire. She says it's okay though, because it was so good. She figures if it kept going, it couldn't keep on being that good. And then she said something about Omar. I don't get it.


Asta said... 1:01 PM

Thanks fow pwomising to click..I hope my wish comes twue
love and smoochie kisses

Noah the Airedale said... 1:39 AM

We think that rabbit is doomed lol.

Hugs and tail wags
Noah Willow Tess & Lucy

Lacy said... 3:42 AM

woofies and Burf's Ruby, heehee u shure iz havin fun wiff dat rabbit..me finks he will listen to u now...and takie care of dat doglete's paw...me hopes it goes away soon..

b safe,
Rocky and ;)angel lacylulu

umekotyan said... 4:57 AM

Good evening ruby.
The dance of the rabbit is passionate.
Starlight is a necessity. :)

from loved ume tyan

Urban Smoothie Read said... 7:16 AM

wat a sweet easter day u had there...

Asta said... 12:17 PM

Hi Ruby thank you fow the nice welcome..I hope I get to see you sometime hewe in NY!!!
love Myrna
Asta sends smoochie kisses

Petra said... 12:26 PM

Oh dear -- I called you Mack and I know you're Ruby Bleu! (Mack's special friend, though.)

And thanks for asking about Tad. His pancreas was happy, but probably because we didn't let him eat the whole bone!)