Hi! My name is Ruby. I am a Boston Terrorist (oops, I mean Terrier) who loves to run, play in mud and eat snackies.
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A Fairy Tail Wedding...
Friday, March 14, 2008
A Fairy Tail Wedding like Huskee and Baby's needed a cute little fairy, don't you think???
TinkerRuby or RubyBell???

6:14 PM | 14 Belly Rubs
Blog Archive
- Kind of makes you go hmmmmm.....
- Sleepy Sunday #10
- On my day off....
- Doing Nothing InStyle
- Hoppy Easter!!!
- A Medical Mystery!
- In my Easter Bonnet..
- Happy St. Patrick's Day
- Sleepy Sunday #9
- A Fairy Tail Wedding...
- Welcome to the Family
- Sleepy Sunday #9
- Happy Barkday Joe!!!
- Makin It...
- Sleepy Sunday #8
Oh my dogness!
You went all out!!
Ruby, you are just so dang creative!
I hope you won't be too embarrassed to be seen with me - I'm going in my au naturale tuxedo!
Mucho sugars,
Hi, Little Fairy!
I am ready waiting for you!
Kisses and hugs
I think you and Rog would have fun together!! We are so excited Huskee and Baby are finally getting married!
you look amazingly bootiful..you make a fabulous tinkew ruby!!! I wouldn't have missed the wedding fow anything. aftew all they ghad to go thwough to finally be togethew..I hope they have a lifetime of happiness
smoochie kisses
pee ess. I wish you would have come to Iweland with us too..it's so pawsome
Ruby Bug/Bell!
You look AMAZING as Tink! (I think Rog would be more than HAPPY to have you on his arm).
I'm so stinkin' excited for Huskee Boy & Baby Munchkins! They deserve all the happiness they can stand, and I'm sure they'll have a lifetime of bliss together!
Thanks for flying us, sweet thing.
Goober love & smooches,
I do believe, I do believe, I do believe in fairies. So are we flying air Ruby or sprinkling ourselves in fairy dust and thinking happy thoughts?
Simba xx
You look adorable, Ruby! I think Mack might be a tiny bit jelly if you hang out with Rog! We think you'd better give them equal time!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Ruby, you look absolutely stunning!!! We all love fairy tails and we all believe them! :)
Momo & Pinot
Oh, how cute!
Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer
Just popped in to say thank you for your pup friendship and your Mama for being such a nice person.
I am stopping my blogging for a while.
Lots of reasons, just need some time out.
And a good bark out!
love and many licks, Marvin xxxxxx
and thank you for flying me Aire Ruby!
You are the best!
Yo Ruby...we love your fairy tail...pawsome...we didn't know Tinkerbell had one!!!
Thank you for the lovely flight last night...it was magical!!!
I think Lacie went through an entire box of kleenex during the procession...you girlies are sooooooo sentimental!!!!!
Isn't Pearl just wonderful!!!!!
You are a stunning RubyBell!
Thank you for rendering your Aire-Ruby Service... We really appreciate it