Doing Nothing InStyle

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Hey Pups...not much to fact it is VERY boring right now. I've not gone to the park because of my athlete's paw, but I am being a good girl taking my medicine and letting Mom wash my paws.

So aside from napping in the sun which I L*O*V*E, I've been spending quality time with one of my favorite mags...InStyle. The Best Buys article was just fabulous!!! I just wish they had something in there about curing my athlete's paw!


24 Responses to "Doing Nothing InStyle"

Petra said... 1:57 PM

Ruby, it looks like you are holding hands with that lady in the magazine. I wish I could hold hands with you, but it's kind of hard for me to sit still, especially when I'm around doggie friends.

I hope your foot is getting better.

Mack said... 2:20 PM

Aw poor Ruby.
I wish I was there to kiss your athlete's paw and make it all better!

At least you are catching up on your reading!

Love and healing Mackypoo sugars,

Anonymous said... 3:02 PM

I am so happy you are letting mom wash your paws and you are taking your peanut butter medicine. Just like you mom always reading, very educational.
Hugs, bellyrubs, smoochies

Duke said... 3:39 PM

I'm sure your reading all about this years spring and summer fashions! Let us know anything that's important so we can look our best, Ruby!

Love ya lots

Moco said... 5:03 PM

I am hoping that you will be filling us in on all the colors to wear for the next season.
Hope your paw gets better soon.

Ferndoggle said... 7:19 PM

Ruby, you are ALWAYS in style!


Stanley said... 8:17 PM

Ruby Bug!!!

Lola has it right. You're ALWAYS in style. I'm sending healing goober smooches (still) to help you out with the athlete's paw. You have such a mature attitude about your treatment.

YOU, be sure to take care of yourself, and those paws will be back to good in no time. Can't wait til you can go spread some of your Rubinator love at the park again!

Goober love & smooches,

Lorenza said... 8:20 PM

Hi, Ruby!
I agree. You always do everything In Style!
You are a good girl letting your mom take care of your paws!
Kisses and hugs

Joe Stains said... 10:46 PM

Can't you get some jimmy choo or steve madden shoes to put over your athlete's paw???

Girl Girl Hamster said... 1:01 AM

Oh dear.. I hope your paw get better soon. Well the magazine might have good recommendations on shoes which you can buy and wear to pawtect your paw

~ Girl girl

Myeo said... 1:02 AM

We hope your paws will heal real soon.

Boy n Baby

Harry said... 2:29 AM

Glad you're being a well behaved girl about your paw care. You'll soon be charging around in the mud at the park again Ruby!

Toodle pip
Harry x

Clover said... 6:03 AM

Hi Ruby,
Good job on letting Mom look after your paw! Before you know it, you will be all better!
How do you like InStyle? My mom likes to look at it too!
Love Clover xo

Amber-Mae said... 10:20 AM

Hey Ruby, have you thought about washing your feet with Anti-Fungal shampoo? Becoz faith's athlete paw problem disappeared after washing her with her twice.

Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer

Niamh said... 11:59 AM

That bed looks nice and comfy so I guess it is not to bad hanging around the house. I am not into magazines but I like the perfume insert cards. Try rolling around on one of them.

Hope your paws are better soon. Your friend,

wally said... 3:46 PM

SunNaps are the greaterest! Maybe you could get some sort of lovely boots or socks for your feetsies?


Emily and Ike said... 6:20 PM

It's boring around here too.

Sir Isaac Newton IV said... 6:48 PM

Hi Ruby! Mommy loves that magazine, too. She's ready for the spring styles and colors!

Hope your paw gets better really soon!

Newton :)

Simba and Jazzi said... 2:12 AM

Looks like time well spent to me.

Simba x

Martha said... 9:27 AM

It's nothing but snow! snow! snow! around here. Hopefully your paw issues will be cured soon so you can get back to the park. Love, Martha

Asta said... 10:54 AM

Thank you fow saying you'll take cawe of ouw'we the best..I hope youw athlete's paw is getting bettew..gweat idea to look at the magazine, this way you'll be all weady when you finally get to go out and show youw wondewfulness to the wowld again, meantime get some good booty west!
Mommi will do the meme fwom youw Mom tomowwow.
love you lots and take good cawe of youwself(I wish I weew flying air Ruby instead of the cwummy aiweline to Wome
smoochie kisses

Lillie Valentine said... 7:47 PM

Do you think you could take me to see MY Tanner? HELP!!!!!

Noah the Airedale said... 11:04 PM

So your paw paw is still giving you grief then....poor you Ruby. We've still got our paws crossed that you're better soon.

Hugs and tail wags
Noah Willow Tess & Lucy

Dewey Dewster said... 4:32 AM


Sorry your paw isn't better yet but it sure looks like a relaxing past time to be readin about Styles and fashion...hope you're all better soon. There is a dog show today in Pittsburgh and Gram and Pappy are goin......hope they bring back lots of pee mail.

Dewey Dewster here....