My Eye, My Eye...

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

OK, let me start by saying in no way does my eye situation even come close to what sweet, handsome Ike went through, but when it come to anything related to the eyeball area me and my Mom should I bark, um, wusses!!!

So as I mentioned yesterday, I've gots this spot thingy on my right eye and Dr. Marsha noticed these wayward eyelashes so off to the eye dogter I go. I went to a place called the Animal Eye Center in Rocklin. Everyone there was very, very nice and they came very highly recommended. What I especially liked about everyone is I gots TONS OF TREATS!!! W00T! Well I gots tons of treats until they started poking and prodding and shining lights into my eyeballs!!! So annoying and uncomfortable. They also put the drops in my eyes and poked something right in my that doesn't seem right, does it??? But I was very well behaved and everyone really liked me...heck, if your giving me treats, I'm an angel - BOL!!!!

Anyhowl, I'm now going to turn this over to Mom to tell you about what they found.

Hey everyone, Michele here. So Ruby is not lying when she said I have issues when it comes to eye stuff. I knew before I got a Boston they are prone to eye issues, but thought I lucked out because Ruby's eyes weren't very 'buggy'. So when my regular vet (whom I trust very much) suggested I go get things checked out, I didn't hesitate. So here is what we found...

Issue 1) The 'spot' (pigment) on her sclera is least not now. We have to monitor it and if it starts to look raised or gets larger I need to come back in. OK, I'm good with that.

Issue 2) My vet noticed Ruby had what looked to be distichia. The eye-vet concurred with this and Ruby's diagnosis is mild distichia in both her eyes. Distichia are tiny hairs growing from the sweat glands at the eyelid margin. The hairs rub on her eye and causing squinting, irritation, tearing and discomfort (gee, I thought Ruby just had allergy issues!).

Issue 3) In Ruby's left eye, she has an ectopic cilia. Ectopic cilia are also hairs growing from the sweat glands, but the hair protrudes from the inner surface of the eyelid rubs right on the cornea. They tend to be very painful and can cause corneal ulcers - OUCH!!!! My poor baby!!! This is common in younger dogs and in Bostons (surprise, surprise)


Issue 4) Vitreous anterior chamber in the left eye. This is when the lens zonules break down and cause lens movement. This can either be an inherited thing or caused by head shaking...let me see, hmmm...I'm thinking it's caused by head shaking when she goes in for the stuffy kill! It's good that we caught this early...longer term on this, her lens could start moving around, come detached and ultimately cause glaucoma. The way this is tested is by checking lens position and her intraocular pressure which right now in her left eye is 9 (right eye is 10). The vet said this was good, but we need to check it every year...oh and I need to stop her from shaking her head - wish me luck on that!

So, although that all doesn't sound great...Ruby's in good shape overall, but I need to keep a close 'eye' on her eyes. They are recommending Cryoepiltion surgery to remove the distichia and the ectopic cilia. Cryoepilation is when they use a liquid nitrogen probe to freeze the hair follicle and remove the offending lashes. It's 90% effective...meaning there is only a small chance of regrowth. To do the procedure, they will need to put Ruby under anesthesia - which I'm not thrilled about and her poor little eyelids will be swollen for 3-5 days...and she's going to need to wear a cone too.

I was very happy with the eye-vet. She took her time to explain things to me and gave me very detailed information. I need to consult with my regular vet, but based on the research and talking to the eye-vet, I think I'm going to get it done (I tentatively scheduled the procedure for 8/31). I really want to do what is right and don't want to take any risks with my girl's big, beautiful brown eyes!

Any of you vet techs out there...any advice or experience would be most welcome. I'll turn this back over to Ruby.

Thanks Mom...can we bark TMI??? Anyhowl, that's the situation. So looks like I need to got get my eyeballs frozen or something to get rid of these rebel eyelashes. Asta, Lacie...I might need some nursie-ing soon. Oh, the eye-dogtor gave Mom some gooey ointment to put in my's no fun, but it has made by eyes feel better and Mom gives me a treat each time she does on that note, I'm off to get a treat!!!



20 Responses to "My Eye, My Eye..."

Gus said... 7:16 AM

Ruby...I am sure your mom will make certain the treaties keep coming. And ya know..Lacie and Asta can help you learn to put on false eyelashes. (ooh, I think they call them "lash extensions")

Good luck sweetie


Mack said... 7:18 AM

Oh my sweet love. How I wish I could be there and comfort you and give you sugars. I just know this surgery will make you feel so much better though!
Thanks for keeping us up to date.

Your Macky

Dexter said... 7:46 AM

I am still stuck on the part about eyeball sweat glands. WTF? Sweaty eyes? Do you maybe need anti persperant or something?

Glad you aren't as bad off as poor Ike and momma was actually glad to get that detailed medical crap that your mom wrote.


Fred said... 8:20 AM

Poor Ruby! Mr. Jason's eyeball popped out or something a couple of years ago, and I had to give him some major TBC (Tender Bichon Care).
Hope your eyes are a-ok very soon!

Jake of Florida said... 8:32 AM

OK, our Mom is an eye-wuss too -- but we love you so she ignored the tummy contractions and read on.

We're glad things are mostly OK -- and we admire you (and your Mom) for deciding to do the recommended procedure.

We didn't know that Boston terriers have these eye problems. Now we do -- and so we'll be more understanding of these issues.

Wirey love,

Jake and Just Harry

Moco said... 9:31 AM

That sounds like quite an ordeal. We are saying more treats just for having to do all that.

Petra said... 11:41 AM

My dear friend Ruby, I am so sorry that you have to get your eyes frozen. And I'm especially sorry that you have to wear a cone afterwards.

The only good thing about this is that you'll probably get lots of treats and special attention.

Be brave! I'll be praying for you.

Love ya, Petra PP

Archie and Melissa said... 11:42 AM

hi ruby!
oh you your mom takes such great care of you!

you will do great with your eye procedure and it will feel so much better afterwards!

m & e

Dandy Duke said... 12:01 PM

We're going to be on vacation when you're going through your eye surgery, Ruby, but we'll be sending lots of positive thoughts your way! We hope the dreaded lampshade is a short-lived experience for you!

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

The WriggleButts said... 12:23 PM

Oh Ruby.. swelling and ointments are no fun - but treats make anything better! I have (of course) eye issues from time to time, too, that have caused some pigment spots and such.


PeeEss: tell your mommie to use chamomile tea to wash your eyes if they look irritated. It really works magic. Chamomile is considered to be an antiseptic, antibiotic, disinfectant, bactericidal & Vermifuge. Mom uses it to wash my eyes if they're looking a little gooey or to rinse them instead of eye drops (salt water ones, not medicines of course). It works on hoomans too, btw. And horses. And can often fix an eye infection before you have time to see the doctor.

Deefor said... 12:48 PM

Hi Ruby
It's good they are checking everything. I sure hope they don't forget to give you lots of treats for all this. You are very brave.


C.l.o.v.e.r. said... 1:16 PM

Oh Ruby,
Sorry to hear about your eye issues. :( I am sending you a special hug from me and my mom too.
Your mom is so pawesome to make sure you are well looked after and things are all checked out. I don't have any advice, but I am sending healing vibes in hopes that your problems will disappear!

Rosie said... 1:22 PM

Ruby your mom is very smart to understand all that frozen sweaty eyeball stuff - I am sure she will do you right!

Asta said... 2:14 PM

Ruby Dawling
Just say the wowd and I am thewe..I can put soofing ice packs on youw swollen bootiful eyes aftew the pwoceedoowe
(Lacie will shawe some of the ice fwom hew blendew I'm suwe, and the west we can make into healing dwikies fow you
Now NO shaking OK Rubiekins?
smoochie kisses

Lorenza said... 6:22 PM

Hi, Ruby!
I wanted to rub my eyes just reading your post!
I am sure everything is going to be ok!
I will have my paws crossed for you!
Take care
Kisses and hugs

Murphy Dogg said... 7:46 AM

Hey Ruby,
Glad you got some great docs on your side. Sounds like you'll be all better real soon and your gorgeous big browns will be as sparkly as ever!
Murphy Dogg

Emily and Ike said... 6:17 PM

Ok, so my mom wants to talk to you:
Hey Rubes - Sorry I don't have any experience with your troubles - I guess I don't know everything! Hmmm. Anyway, ophthalmologists have to go through a lot of extra training (at least 2 years on top of the 8 years to be a vet) so they are usually very dedicated and know what they are talking about. It sounds like a minimally invasive surgery and will spare you a lot of trauma in the future. Ike's ulcer was caused by a scratch, and we all know what a nightmare that can turn into. A rule in the vet world is you don't screw around with eye problems because they can get bad really fast. Good luck and keep us updated!
Emily (Ike's mom/slave)

Peanut said... 10:05 AM

I think maybe getting your eyeball frozen sounds like the best bet to not have more problems. Sorry you are having to go through this.

Scruffy, Lacie and Stanley's Place said... 7:52 PM

Now Ruby...I pawsitively will come and do any opthomologic nursing skills that you need...I can do drops, smoothies, more drops...lots more smoothies...

I do highly recommend a hypoallergenic least for a day or so...I suggest waterproof...all those drops can just wreck havoc with your eye makeup and nosecara...

Um, Ruby..the biggest concern her...your pilot's license??? ARE YA GONNA BE OK TO FLY AIRE RUBY?????

Um..ur not gonna use Tanner while ya recover are ya??? Gulp....

Let me know....Asta and I will be right over to help ya out...I will be bringin' my blender and a dead chicken for soup....

Love ya lots!!!!!!


Scout and Freyja said... 12:52 AM

My grand-dog had to have a couple of her eyelashes removed at Michigan State due to entropic ones rubbing on her left eye. Casey did very well. Of course, lots of treats and belly rubs always aid in rapid recuperation.