I hope everypup enjoys their Sleepy Sunday!
Hi! My name is Ruby. I am a Boston Terrorist (oops, I mean Terrier) who loves to run, play in mud and eat snackies.
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Sleep Sunday #30
Sunday, August 09, 2009
This weekend has been very busy so far...first the V.E.Tpire and then a playdate and I STILL haven't posted about the wonderful prezzies Asta sent me!!! But that will just have to wait until I finish doing this...

I hope everypup enjoys their Sleepy Sunday!
I hope everypup enjoys their Sleepy Sunday!
5:48 AM | 13 Belly Rubs
My sleepy Sunday is complete now that I see your pretty self!!
Enjoy your snooze, Ruby!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
We are DEFINITELY enjoying it!!
Hi, Ruby!
Happy Sleepy Sunday!
Kisses and hugs
Mmmm sunbathing!
Great sunny spot for a nap.
Simba and Jazzi xx
I love sleeping doggie pictures. You have a perfect combo of shade and sun.
hi ruby!
oh thank you so much for saying hello today!
your blog looks fantastic!
your sleepy sunday looks wonderful!
m & e
Has your mom been taking pictures in phototgraphy, Ruby? I LOVE that photo!
Sorry, I meant to say "CLASSES" in photography...
Hi Ruby!
Great sleepy picture! You had to go to the vetpire? I just went there yesterday - yuck!! I even have to take awful medicine now for my allergies and ear infection. :(
Chewy and I don't get to sleep in the same jail because Mom and Dad are too worried that I will have a seizure and it wouldn't be good if we were together at that time.
But we can see each other and sometimes we talk.
What a wonderful place to nap.
Are you almost finished with your nap? The weekend is here!