Who goes there????
This week I'm working with the Snuggle Puggle protecting my backyard. See, there are these intruders...
Intruder 1
Intruder 2
Hi! My name is Ruby. I am a Boston Terrorist (oops, I mean Terrier) who loves to run, play in mud and eat snackies.
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1:56 PM | 20 Belly Rubs
Your one hard worker Ruby! Great job!
Hugs & Snugs
Eduardo the Snuggle Puggle
I hope you chase away those intruders!! I should have Tank join Snuggle Puggle... he is good at chasing intruders from our yard.
You look fiewce(and vewy bootiful) those intwoodews will leave vewy soon I'm suwe..you awe a pawfect wowkew
smoochie kisses
OMD - when you get rid of them you need to come over to our house! We have two of them too, but ours are BIGGER and they HONK HONK HONK at us!!!!! My girl calls them "gooses" but we call them "scary big birds that run towards us and honk and frighten us off the sidewalk." Maybe if all 3 of us work together we can scare them off for good?!
GrrrrrRUFF! I have intruders too: RABBITS! They leave gross little pellet poos all over the place. You sure look good when you're "workin' it" Ruby!
Hey Ruby,
You go girl! Go get those dirty birds. My mom doesn't like for me to chase the birds, but I do when she isn't watching.
Wags & wiggles,
Goo job, girlfriend.
Good job, not goo. Grammie is such a goof.
Hi, Ruby!
I know you have a very important and hard job!
Make those intruders go away!
Kisses and hugs
You work really hard.
Simba and Jazzi xxx
You look very alert and fierce in those pictures! If I were those mangy birds I'd be out of there - PRONTO!
I can tell by just glancing at your pictures that YOU OWN YOUR YARD, Ruby! How dare anyone or anything attempt to cross over into your space?
Keep up the good work, girl.
Go get 'em!
Those are at my place, too! I love running them off!
Look at those EYES! Man, they are sexy!
How dare any bird come into YOUR yard (What were they thinking? - Wonder Rubes patrols this area!!)
Oh Ruby! You look so cute protecting your yard! I can tell that you are doing a really good job. Can I come in your yard if I come for a visit?!
Love Clover xo
Ah! Finally some pictures of you when you're up & working! Hehehe! You look sooo alert in those pictures...
Belly jiggles,
Solid Gold Dancer
Ruby! I have never seen you on alert like that. What nice long leggies you have.
Good job, Ruby! Your ears are especially cute when you are on patrol!
wally t.
OH ya you are doing a great job Ruby..
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
I just saw you dancing wif Mack..VaVaVaVoom!
Isn't this fun?
Stanny spun you awound so fast in that last dance IYou wewe just a bluw, hehehyou'we so light on those slim bootiful legsies of youws.I need to take a bweaf fwom all this fun,.let's go powdew ouw nosies
smoochie kisses