Intruder Alert! Intruder Alert!
What's that in my pool???!!!!???!!!


Clearly, my perimeter sweep last week was ineffective and Saturday afternoon brought Larry and Louise, our pool ducks. Mom and I are not happy. They are pooping...EVERYWHERE! I finally got them to leave after about an hour, but they came back again on Sunday...and Monday...and we're just waiting for them to arrive today. URGH!!!!! Get out of my yard duckies!!!! Go AWAY!!!!
Note from Mom:
I was told when I moved in from the folks who used to live here that every Spring a duck couple arrive and just love to hang in the pool. They come and go for a few weeks and than suddenly disappear until the next Spring. I thought this year might be different because a dog lives here now, but clearly that doesn't make any difference to Larry and Louise (yes, I named them). I'm sure not digging the duck poop, oh and I sure hope that they don't decide to lay any eggs.
Note from Mom:
I was told when I moved in from the folks who used to live here that every Spring a duck couple arrive and just love to hang in the pool. They come and go for a few weeks and than suddenly disappear until the next Spring. I thought this year might be different because a dog lives here now, but clearly that doesn't make any difference to Larry and Louise (yes, I named them). I'm sure not digging the duck poop, oh and I sure hope that they don't decide to lay any eggs.
ah that is cool they come back every year but duck poop can make such a mess
Hi Ruby,
Since you don't like to swim, I think getting rid of these intruders might be a job for Bob!
Aww Ruby! I am sorry they are taking over your pool, but it's really kind of cute how they keep coming back! You are their vacation home!! :)
Ruby...you should offer to take them somewhere romantic on Aire Ruby?
I like ducks - we have plenty down by the river.. But then again mom and I don't have to clean up their poop. If they came to my house to poop I might be upset.. Have you asked Patience & the waggle? She's the Queen of Poop after all - and all the poop got me thinking of her.
Hi Ruby,
I must say you are one lucky duck cause I have to go to the lake to see the ducks. BOL At least they don't stay at your house all summer.
Wags & wiggles,
Ruby, I guess your Mom spoke to soon when Nanny spoke with her Saturday morning, I like thier names, duck poop is yucky, any poop is yucky. Have you tried getting them to leave by jumping in the pool. LOL
Hugs, bellyrubys, smoochies
They look like a nice pair. Maybe you could get them on AireRuby and take them to some farmland. Duck poo is pretty messy.
Haha! Larry and Louise! They do look pretty cute, but duckie poop does not sound like fun. It is so funny, they must think your yard is their Spring home... like their cottage or something!
Love Clover xo
Your very own ducks?! Wow. Maybe you could donate them to a park?
That's a bummer the ducks keep coming back and messing up the pool! Hope they don't hang around too much longer.
Ah, spring in CA! I grew up about an our from Sac-town and we always had those cherry blossom type flower petals in the pool as well as all types of critters (frogs, ducks, and some not-so-alive hairy creatures). I have no idea how you make them go away but I can definitely empathize!
-Jen, Suki & Mojo's mom
Suki says: AROO! My little puggy mohawk is up in solidarity with you, Ruby! You go get those intruders!
Larry and Louise are cute but ducks can be VERY annoying. Our neighbor has a pond and just like you said, we see 2 ducks come each year and claim it as their own.
Go get 'em, Ruby!
Ruby we will send Callie right over. She loves to chase ducks..
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
Ruby, Try rolling in the nice poopie presents they leave for you. Won't get rid of them but will make you smell dogalicious.
Wiry wags, Eric xx
Hi, Ruby!
Keep an eye on them!
Kisses and hugs
I have just the perfect recipe for duck eggs. I'm crossing my dewclaws!
OH MY DOOOOOOOOG! My sister (and Massah!) was ATTACKED by a GOOSIE tonight!!! She is too scared to blog about it at the moment but she sure has a good story to tell! Can you please come over and help secure our perimeter from gooses!?!? We clearly aren't effective just by ourselves....
Duck couples are so cute!
OMG - how funny! Let's play duck, duck, goose.
Since they always came over during spring then you might need to collect some pool rental from them.
slurpy licks
That is cool with the ducks. Mommy told me that once when she lived in Marietta GA they had a big ole Canada Goose in their pool and her then dog, Keats - a Springer Spaniel just kept running into the glass door trying to get out and catch him.
Gosh, Ruby, don't be too quick to get rid of the ducks, they have yummers poop, you know.