Like all of you pups, I'm still really sad about Bogart's Daddy. Bogie...please know that Mom and I love you and your Mom very, very much and we are thinking of you. I can feel your Dad looking down on us and keeping watch over us! We will miss you Klaus.

and what am I doing for my first week on the job???

Mom said that when your sad it's good to try and keep busy, and no better way than to go to work! Today is my first day working for Eduardo.
and what am I doing for my first week on the job???
OK, so it doesn't look like I'm watching TV...well not yet. Mom and I got this giant nv-lope in the mail today and inside it was two whole dollars - W00t! I just started working and I'm already getting paid - W00t! W00t!!! And all I (I mean we) need to do is watch some TV and fill out this survey. That shouldn't be to hard, right? Well that depends because I'm really not sure what to watch...Animal Planet or FoodTV...hmmmmm decisions, decisions. Who knew working would be so hard!!!!!
Good work, Ruby.. Do you really have to choose? You can't like alternate - one hour each?
Nice work if you can get it ;)
My dream job!
Ben xxxx
I think its OK to watch TV with your eyes closed. Momma does it all the time.
Oh Ruby, you are off to a great start at the job. This really shows your ability to jump right in and take charge! I vote for the Food Network... mmmm...
Since you're an aviatrix, I think you should be watching the Travel Channel so you can add some new flights to AireRuby.
As we celebrate life as the best way of honoring Klaus, perhaps we should start planning a Spring Fling excursion? That is, if you can pull yourself away from the tube!
Your pal,
Pawsonally, I prefer the food channel. The animal planet has some scary stuff, and makes muzzer leak. Rest my case
It sure was a sad day yesterday. Looks like you;re doing your job well. You're a good employee. You should get a raise like 10 cookies more.
Butt sniffs,
Solid Gold Dancer
I'm glad you are awake now. I have been wanting to leave you a little note to say 'hi' and introduce myself.
I hope the job is long term and not temporary so you can keep buying lots of treats and stuff.
Wags & wiggles,
Hi Ruby, yes it is all so sad at the moment, you have cheered us immensely with your post.
love and sad licks, Marvin xxxx
"Hmmmmm...I'm in love with a working girl....."
(Does your mom remember that song from the 80's??)
Yes, it is so sad about Klaus. Our thoughts and prayers are for his family right now.
I'd watch Food TV!
You watch tv and get paid for that?? Hmmmm.... I like your job!
Take care
Kisses and hugs
I agwee wif Gussie
FOOD!!!, and I like the idea of a spwing twip too..just keep May fiwst open fow a special twip that Myrna has planned..shhhhh!
smoochie kisses
Be careful of envelopes being dollars. Anything with food is on our list.
Paid to watch TV? Very nice. And we are very sad for Bogart and family, too.
I think you should watch the food channel; then your next job would be eating the food that your mom fixes that you chose from the food channel, Ruby!
I sooo need that job. I'd be awesome!
Thank you for replying about the Best Friends Pawty. We're hoping it will be fun and we're excited you're coming. Our Mom has NO social life. :)
Hi Ruby!
Great work!! I am back from my vacation now (I will post about it tomorrow) and I think we should get our moms to arrange a chat date for the weekend.
Love Clover xo
Sweet Ruby Bug!
You're a natural as a snuggler, so I have no doubt you'll be Eduardo's employee of the month in no time! I sure hope Bogie & Lulu are feeling the love from all of us in the midst of all the sadness!
I'm laughing that you get to help decide what America watches on TV. Obviously, somedog out there really trusts your judgment.
I've been looking at your last few sleepy Sunday pics and thinking maybe you shouldn't be sleeping alone! (What do you think?)
Goober love & smooches,
What are you gonna buy with your two dollars?
RUBEEEEEEEEEEEEEEY!!!!!!!!! I haven't seen you in ages girlie. How are you? Gainfully employed, it would seem. I need to talk to Eduardo about a job. I'm just worried he'll make me snuggle or something.