Hi! My name is Ruby. I am a Boston Terrorist (oops, I mean Terrier) who loves to run, play in mud and eat snackies.
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Sleepy Sunday #37
Sunday, November 09, 2008
For today's Sleepy Sunday, I offer you some superior sleepiness from Norway...I give the very handsome Bajas...
and cute little Virus...
12:00 AM | 10 Belly Rubs
Those are some adorable guests!! I am going to go do some of that myself, now....
Have a pawesome week, Ruby!
Love Clover xo
Hi, Ruby!
Bajas and Virus are adorable!
Have a happy sleepy sunday!
Kisse and hugs
Bajas and Virus are both too cute! Pleasant dreams, guys!
Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch
They are both so cute.
We've been doing more of that today.. But occasionally we have some action too - and posted a video on our blog.
Sleepy kisses,
Bajas and Virus do look very cute when they sleep...
bajas cute lips and nose makes me wanna wet wet lick him.
wet wet licks
Oh, what lovely sleepy photos!
Such cute photos....they're so snuggly and small.
Ms. Alpha doesn't believe I ever sleep and I certainly don't know how to get small.
Your long lost pal,
PS: I loved your funny face. You look like a vampire!
those pics are making me yawn!