Thursday, November 27, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving


15 Responses to " "

Marvin -The Hollow Hound said... 7:04 AM

Happy Thanksgiving Ruby!

love and licks, Marvin xxxxx

Gus, Louie and Callie said... 7:12 AM

Happy Turkey Day Ruby..
We are so thankful for wonderful friends like you...

Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie

Duke said... 9:28 AM

Happy Thanksgiving to you and your mom, Ruby! We hope you get a nice big slice of pumpkin pie!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Deefor said... 10:18 AM

Happy Thanksgiving. I bet you'll get a lot of yummy stuff. I can't wait.


Moco said... 10:59 AM

How festive is that? Grab onto that turkey and don't let go.

The WriggleButts said... 12:28 PM

Happy Thanksgiving, Ruby! I hope you get lots of turkey!


Emily and Ike said... 12:47 PM

Happy Thanksgiving!!!!

Mack said... 3:15 PM

My dearest Ruby,
I hope you got lots of turkey and dressing and punkin pie and belly rubs from Danny!
Hope you have a great time with your Momma off!

Lorenza said... 5:44 PM

Happy Thankgiving!
I hope you had a pawesome day!
Kisses and hugs

Boo Casanova said... 6:50 PM

happy thanksgiving ruby.

wet wet licks


Stanley said... 12:15 AM

Ruby Bug!

Here are some big juicy turkey breath smooches for you! Hope you and your mama and the crew had a blast together celebrating!

Goob love,

Pee Ess
Give your Granny a hug!

Simba and Jazzi said... 1:19 AM

Happy Thanks giving.

Simba x

Clover said... 12:56 PM

Happy Thanksgiving Ruby!!
Love Clover xo

JB's Big and Small Worlds said... 8:45 AM

Great outfit, hope you got some turkey!

Joe Stains said... 6:33 PM

omdog you are so cute! I hope you had a great Thanksgiving!