Sleepy Sunday #37

Sunday, November 09, 2008

For today's Sleepy Sunday, I offer you some superior sleepiness from Norway...I give the very handsome Bajas...
and cute little Virus...
ahhhh so cute!!! Have a great Sleepy Sunday!


10 Responses to "Sleepy Sunday #37"

Clover said... 5:56 AM

Those are some adorable guests!! I am going to go do some of that myself, now....
Have a pawesome week, Ruby!
Love Clover xo

Lorenza said... 9:10 AM

Hi, Ruby!
Bajas and Virus are adorable!
Have a happy sleepy sunday!
Kisse and hugs

Duke said... 9:21 AM

Bajas and Virus are both too cute! Pleasant dreams, guys!

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

Peanut said... 12:33 PM

They are both so cute.

The WriggleButts said... 2:04 PM

We've been doing more of that today.. But occasionally we have some action too - and posted a video on our blog.

Sleepy kisses,

Lizzy said... 2:40 PM


Bajas and Virus do look very cute when they sleep...


Boo Casanova said... 7:12 PM

bajas cute lips and nose makes me wanna wet wet lick him.

wet wet licks


Petra said... 9:59 AM

Oh, what lovely sleepy photos!

Fenway said... 11:53 AM

Such cute photos....they're so snuggly and small.

Ms. Alpha doesn't believe I ever sleep and I certainly don't know how to get small.

Your long lost pal,

PS: I loved your funny face. You look like a vampire!

Mack said... 4:26 PM

those pics are making me yawn!