Hi! My name is Ruby. I am a Boston Terrorist (oops, I mean Terrier) who loves to run, play in mud and eat snackies.
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Happy Barkday Auntie Pearl...
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
6:00 AM | 18 Belly Rubs
Happy Barkday to my name-twin! I hope it's the bestest barkday ever!
I hope all is wellest Ruby! When is the next flight?! I so love flying AIRERUBY!
Love, Putter ...:)
Happy birthday to Auntie Pearl! We hope she gets treats and ice cream!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Yes! Yes! Yes! Happy Birthday to Auntie Pearl!
Happy Barkday Auntie Pearl
Thank you Ruby
Hugs, bellyrubs & smoochies
Happy Barkday Auntie Pearl. We wish you the very best any day could bring.
What a wonderful picture of your auntie!!
I hope Pearl has a great barkday!
Happy barkday Aunty Pearl.You look like you deserve a million snackies and kissies!
Wiry wags, Eric xxx
We will head right on over to share the birthday fun times.
You have one good looking family, Ruby! Happy Burpday Ms. Pearl!
wally t.
Happy Birthday to Pearl!
Kisses and hugs
Happy Birthday Auntie Pearl!!!
OMG! I have a picture of a pug on my blog today, too! How pug-a-licious. (Please say "happy birthday" to Auntie Pearl from me.)
xoxo - Bella
A very happy barkday to your auntie Pearl.
Simba x
Oh Happy Birthday to Pearl
~ Bae
Oh thanks for telling us Ruby! I will pop over with belated B-day wishes. :)
Love Clover xo
Ruby, you are right. I need a much more girly collar especially because my name isn't girly and sometimes I get called a boy. Maybe I'll put that on my Christmas list...