'Stressful' Sleepy Sunday

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Well not stressful for me...maybe for Mom...and all before 9am! So we wake up, I eats and Mom surprises me with a 'Let's go to the park!!!!' I'm so excitered because I haven't been to the park in AGES! So we gets in the car and off we go.

Once at the park I was a little sad because there were no other doggies there, but that was ok, because Mom was going to call Uncle Sergey and Remmy to come play. So I waited and before long there was this bootiful greyhound girl waiting for me at the fence. We barked a little and decided to run...and run we did. It was a blast!!! Back and forth, back and forth...like for 20 times!!! Mom said something like I must have reminded her of a bunny...or something like that. Mom is so silly, I'm a Boston not a bunny.

Anyhowl, Mom was over filling up the doggie pool and I came by to get a drink. All of a sudden my Mom shrieked (SO embarrassing) and next thing I knew I was back in the car! I was there for all of 15 minutes...SO not fair. So when we got in the car, Mom was wiping my paw which was kinda red and gushy and I noticed that my dew claw was all broken. Oh well...no worries...I can go back and play now, right? But NOOOOOOOO...we drive to the ER vetpires to look at my ouchie. It really didn't hurt I barked to Mom, but she never listens to me.

Sorry for the blurry picture, but it is the best Mom could do...she said I was being too wiggly - Whatever!

Anyway...$80 later, prescription for some antibiotics and the threat of wearing the evil cone, I'm home, totally fine and sleepy. At least I got a bit of a run it before I was so rudely whisked away. My Mom is such a worrier... Mom says she hopes your Sunday is not as exciting as ours!



9 Responses to "'Stressful' Sleepy Sunday"

Asta said... 9:36 AM

How woode
Just when you wewe having such a gweat time
I'm glad it's not huwting..mommi's awe like that. Mine would pwobably have done the same thing.
Smoochie kisses

Tito said... 11:59 AM

I hope your paw is better soon Ruby - that way you can get out and romp again! Try to get some free treats out of the deal.

Duke said... 12:29 PM

Your paw looks ouchie, Ruby! We hope it heals soon!
We love your crossed rear paws!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

C.l.o.v.e.r. said... 1:47 PM

Oh Ruby, that isn't exactly the best kind of exciting. I can totally understand why your mom shrieked. (And aren't they ALL embarrassing?!)
Hope you guys are both doing ok now and have a nice rest of your weekend!

Lorenza said... 1:58 PM

Hi, Ruby!
Sure this was not a sleepy sunday...
Glad to know you are ok!
Take it easy, please!
Kisses and hugs

Gus said... 3:08 PM

Oh Yeah...humans make an issue of such little things. But we are glad you are OK, and love the sleepie posture. Teka wants to know if you think a JRT can learn to do that?


Dexter said... 5:47 PM

I am glad that it didn't hurt you, but those broken nails sure can gush out a ton of blood which is most upsetting to the humans. I hope you don't need a cone too. Maybe just a sock.


Sophie Brador said... 8:29 PM

Look at how cute those little back feeties are all curled up and crossed like that. Adorable.


Mack said... 4:59 AM

Oh poor Ruby!
Do you need me to come over and kiss it my sweety??
I sure hope the rest of your Sunday wasn't as exciting!

Woof ya,
Your Macky