Sleepy Sunday #17

Sunday, May 02, 2010

Hope everypup is having a great Sleepy Sunday!


7 Responses to "Sleepy Sunday #17"

Mack said... 7:04 AM

You look just like an angel in that pic!

Woof ya,

Your Macky

The WriggleButts said... 8:02 AM

That looks lovely. i've gotten in plenty of sun spot naps today!


the teacher's pets said... 10:41 AM

Hi Ruby,
I didn't know Boston Terriers were Terrorists until today!!! Wow, you are one tough cookie, huh? heehee!

While you are resting today I've been out walking with my mom who is a perfessional pet sitter and I get to meets lots of doggie friends every single day! Some dogs do it for me and some don't but I have a feeling you & I would become furriends right after we finished sniffing each other's BUTTS. Don't you?
Guess what? I am your new twitter follower & feed follower! I hope you will visit me sometime cuz I need a Boston Terrorist furriend real bad!

Duke said... 12:25 PM

We've been outside supervising mom weeding but we'll be snoozing soon enough, Ruby! Enjoy your peace and quiet!

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

Lorenza said... 12:59 PM

Happy Sleepy Sunday Sweet Ruby!
Kisses and hugs

C.l.o.v.e.r. said... 4:46 AM

Hi Ruby!
Hope you enjoyed your sleep! Looks like you found a perfect sun spot to nap in.

Kelly said... 1:05 PM

Have a nice nap in your little sunshine spot, Ruby girl!!!!
